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  1. K

    General Issue

    Dear all, Thanks for your nice comments, I went through the database itself and finally changed my back-end computer to a server hardware and software, fortunately the problem is solved now and the speed is normal. Thanks again for your nice comments and ideas. Best, Khalil
  2. K

    General Issue

    Dear all, Thanks for your kind reply, I have an idea to install a server computer for back-end data, do you think it will help? Khalil
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    General Issue

    Dear all :), I have developed an access database for customer management of a utility, which nearly 65,000 customers have been recorded with more than 200,000 billing and payment records. Beside around 25 users are working with this database at the same time. - The database is split into...
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    DSUM problem

    Hi, I have an access database for customers, which I need to have running sum. I already used the DSUM formula but it is really slow, I need about 5 minutes to run this query. the columns are as follow: ID Year Month Customers Rsum 1 2012 1 10...
  5. K

    A figure appear automatically once a year in a field

    Hi Pat Hartman, Thanks for your comment, I think I should say it this way, I have created a billing database for a water utility, all the billing and payments process are fine and have no problem, only issue I have now is that the water meter is asset of the water utility and they bill...
  6. K

    A figure appear automatically once a year in a field

    Actually this figure should appear once a year automatically, for example if a customer was billed in January 2015, he should be billed in January 2016 or after that time. because sometimes billing don't occur on the same date. maybe next time billing would be February 2016. Please if anyone...
  7. K

    A figure appear automatically once a year in a field

    Dear all, I have an access database which use to print bill for customers. one of the fields which I have is meter rent, I want that automatically once a year this field fills by 100, can anyone help me? For your more information, I have many other fields including current date/time. Best,
  8. K

    Get last number to new

    Thank you very much arnelgp, my problem solved. Best,:):):):):):)
  9. K

    Get last number to new

    Dear all: I have below code; Private Sub CusCard_No_AfterUpdate() Dim lngBillNo As Long Dim lngOldMeter As Long lngBillNo = Nz(DLast("[Trn_No]", "Water_Journal", "Cus_Card_No=" & Me.Cus_Card_No), 0) lngOldMeter = Nz(DLookup("[Current_Meter_No]", "Water_Journal"...
  10. K

    Counting duplicate/non duplicate records

    Hi, Check out this youtube link, it will help you. Khalil
  11. K

    Customer Balance

    Dear Plog: Thanks again for your helps, I did the following; 1. In form created a control box 2. I did the dlookup formula as you said But as you can see in attached database, It is good that in a new record you will see the remaining balance of each customer. But the problem is if you see...
  12. K

    Customer Balance

    Dear Plog, As you said I illustrated the DB and uploaded, now I have two questions; 1. In transaction form, where should I add remaining balance of the customer? 2. How to do Dlookup? Many thanks for your help in advance. Khalil
  13. K

    Customer Balance

    Dear Plog; Many thanks for your advice, is it possible for your to do the query and dlookup in database I uploaded that I can use it, because I am not that familiar in access. Many thanks Khalil
  14. K

    Dear Arnel: Please when you have time check below link, I really appreciate your previous...

    Dear Arnel: Please when you have time check below link, I really appreciate your previous advises and helps. Thanks, Khalil
  15. K

    Customer Balance

    Dear All I have a table called transaction with below fields; Cust_id, Debit, Credit and Rbalance (remaining balance) columns. I created a query and can have the balance of all and each customer, now I have a form and want automatically calculated balance appears every time I create a bill...
  16. K

    Dear arnelgp; Thanks for your previous helps, now I have another issue, would be happy if you...

    Dear arnelgp; Thanks for your previous helps, now I have another issue, would be happy if you can help me solve it too. please refer to below link. Best, Khalil
  17. K

    Remaining balance

    Hi The_DOC_Man: Thanks for your reply, it is a bit confusing for me, can you plz do it in attached database and upload it again, I would be very happy. Many thanks Khalil
  18. K

    Default value

    Dear arnelgp; Now I need to do this with form which customerid field type is text, but it doesn't work, do I have to change some code??? Thanks:confused:
  19. K

    Remaining balance

    Thanks Bob, Can you tell me how to do it plz?
  20. K

    Remaining balance

    Dear All: I want to develop a database for customer management as below details. 1. Customer tbl (contain cusomter info) 2. Billing tbl (contain billing info) 3. Payment tbl (contain payment info) Now, in billing form I have a field called "remaining ", I want it automatically calculate the...
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