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  1. O

    Joined queries and no records problem

    I have two queries that collect and join data from different tables. Lets call them qry1 and qry2.Those two queries have no criteria and always return data. Now I have a third query based on that two queries that joins these two queries for a report. Report is launched from a form where user...
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    Joined queries and no records problem

    I have two queries that collect and join data from different tables. Lets call them qry1 and qry2.Those two queries have no criteria and always return data. Now I have a third query based on that two queries that joins these two queries for a report. Report is launched from a form where user...
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    Report to PDF - Lossy Image quality when converting to PDF

    Yeah I did. I started using Microsoft Outlook instead of Outlook Express. With that you can easily automate all kinds of stuff. I used VBA to create pdf and save it on HD for archiving reasons. Next sub will open outlook new e-mail message, fills all the fields automatically and attaches the...
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    Report to PDF - Lossy Image quality when converting to PDF

    Could you share how did "Attach and email the PDF to client" with macro. I´m stuck with it. Using sendobject, the pdf quality is poor and there is no way to tweak it. OutputTo allows to tweak a quality and save pdf, but how can I send it with email? I´m using Outlook Express and there is no...
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    Cannot delete record in query with left join

    I have query, with left join, that just checks some values are matching or not and adds one field to query result that contains "match" or "no match" (iif is null expression). Query itself contains other fields too which are editable. Problem is i cannot delete record through this query...
  6. O

    Form for entering criteria

    thx Brianwarnock! You got the point. That example is just what i needed, i´ll just have to dig it little further to work my way around. Big thanks, i wasted 2 d, trying to find a solution. Cheers, Olxx
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    First and Last Functions in Crosstab Query

    "...I want to find out where each fish is at the start of each week in km.." I don´t get it. Can you be more specific, please.
  8. O

    Help!! Search Form

    Its easier to this using query and showing this on subform. Link query criteria to your main form textbox ad there you go. You can even use OnChange event on that textbox instead of using button. Then you´ll have this look like cool live search, which starts filtering as you type in name.
  9. O

    Form for entering criteria

    No, no. The user don´t have to fill it, if he don´t want to add that criteria. There are 6 different fields on form and user can choose any of them. The user can make query based different criterias for only one or for any fields he needs. Let say fields are, example: tboInvoiceNr, cboClient...
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    Form for entering criteria

    Thx for reply. Yes, I tried, it works without Like this way, but as i said, the problem will come when user doesn´t enter/choose value to cbo. You, see, there isn´t option "show all values" or "no criteria on that field". If the cbo is left empty the query will search then with Null as criteria...
  11. O

    Form for entering criteria

    Hi, Here´s my problem. I have a form that contains unbound textboxes, comboboxes and a button that runs query. The query criteria fields are linked to the textboxes/comboboxes on the form so the user can enter a criteria. In criteria i use -Like "*" & [textbox] & "*"- so if the textbox is left...
  12. O

    Need help with query join

    since my explanation sucks i posted an example here in excel so it will be more clear what i need. thx olxx
  13. O

    Need help with query join

    I have two querys with same number of fields and same field names. [BudgetNumber] txt [CostCategoryCode] number [TotalSum] number I need a query that calculates balance between these two querys. It should look like this, BudgetNumber (match with both querys), CostCategoryCode- all codes that...
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    Refresh List Box

    Try just Me.Refresh on your event. It should do the trick.
  15. O

    Excluding Zero value records from report

    OK. I´m pretty sure you can´t do it on report or maybe only with some tricky VBA code. Can´t you do the summing with query? Can you post your db here, maybe if i take a look at it i got some idea.
  16. O

    access report combination

    You can´t combine reports that way as far as i know. Why do you need that after all? Use query to combine data and make one report.
  17. O

    Excluding Zero value records from report

    Write a criteria to your query so the query won´t give you zero values.
  18. O

    Split form to display query help plz

    You don´t need an extra table at all to choose a value. I just made it as an example because i didn´t know where to get the list for combobox. Seems to me that you´re trying to create a new project so start normalizing your tables. Right structure is most important or you´ll have to face a lots...
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    It´s just an example. There´s lots of icons with similar design in access templates (and even databases posted here), i just wonder how to add one in my project, I´m pretty sure they come with Access/Office. When adding picture/logo, the browse window will open starting from My Pictures folder...
  20. O

    Split form to display query help plz

    Well you had done there something that i didn´t completely understand either :). I added a table there, i´m sure you figure out why. If you get stuck or have any questions post it here or PM. olxx
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