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    Split form to display query help plz

    I´ve no I idea is it that what you wanted but created little something, hope it helps!
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    Hi! Does anyone know where are located those icons that are used in templates? I took a picture of one for you to understand what i mean. I see them lots in projects but i just wonder how to add on in my own project.
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    Hi namliam. I didn´t want to create new thread for that but how to use icons/little pictures...

    Hi namliam. I didn´t want to create new thread for that but how to use icons/little pictures that (probably) come with access. Where are they located at? I´ve seen them in lots of db-s and templates. They also appear if you use wizard to automatically create form. Thx, olxx.
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    Memo feild not displaying all on report

    Check the size of textbox you are using on report. It has to be the size of the text that will be physically on you report.
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    Report To PDF

    Maybe i didn´t get it right but why don´t you use pdf printer? It´s free, even for commercial use. Set this as default in your report setup and create as many pdf-s as you like. No VBA needed.
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    Binding query to textbox

    Wow, it works!! I don´t understand really how (i don´t know SQL that well). But BIG THANKS Mailman!!! I guess i have to study that IIf clause a bit more and that joining thing. Again Thank You very much for your help.
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    Binding query to textbox

    Ok. here´s the 2002-2003 version.
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    Binding query to textbox

    I have to go offline now. Will be back tomorrow morning or maybe in the evening, thanks for trying to help Mailman!
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    Binding query to textbox

    OK. here´s the file, see if you can get the thing.
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    Binding query to textbox

    I´m making simplified sample db right now in english, i´m almost done, so if you wait i´ll post it soon somehow.
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    Binding query to textbox

    Yep i got it, tried it, but it´s not what i want. With outerjoin query gives me the records that match but i need query to give me all records and an extra field for each record showing "ok" or "not ok". So i can place that extra field to my form. Point is, that my form is not linked directly...
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    Binding query to textbox

    Ok. How do I outer join in it? If i add just that one field from another table to that query and if query won´t find match, it doesn´t result me any fields. I could send you the db, but it´s in foreign language and there are much more tables, forms and queries involved. I´m starting to lose hope..
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    Binding query to textbox

    I still don´t get it. Right now I have form, two tables (tblInvoices, tblInvoiceDetails) and query that binds two tables on the form ( to show total and taxes etc.). I got the idea from Northwind db. It works fine. Now the checking involves the other table that is not (and can´t be) related. I...
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    Binding query to textbox

    Thx, for trying to help! Ok. but how can i get that query value on my form? To run query (e.g using commandbutton) each time to check takes time and is frustrating. What i want is when i scroll through invoices or open just one of them, to see the "ok or not" text next to the invoice nr on my form.
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    Binding query to textbox

    Hi, Here´s my problem: I have working form of Invoices (linked to tblInvoices) and I want the InvoiceNr to be checked if it exists in tblSomeTable. The check should be performed every time i move to next record on form (next invoice). If the invoice exists the text (txtbox or label, not msgbox)...
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    Need help with db structure

    Thanks for replies. First, answers to questions. Yes, there will be multiple budgets, budget number will be unique identifier. Object will be the text also unique. That´s not the problem. Problem is category. Every object have multiple categories that can not repeat inside Object. If you create...
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    Need help with db structure

    OK, this´s what i need to do. I want to create a budget managing db. It should contain fields Budget nr (unique), Object (may repeat), Subcategory (must be unique for every Object), Product, Amount, Price. What i want the result to be, is a form where the 1-st three fields are comboboxes and the...
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