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    Toggle button

    I have a grid 4 x 5 and named each cell as 'row1col1', row1clo2,...etc I have a toggle button when click on the toggle button the information should be hidden. Can any tell me how to select the range of the grid and hide them. Any puesdo code.
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    Addnew and Edit

    The does not work properly. If there is no record in the table and when I enter the value it goes to edit instead of adding new record. Public Function Edit(intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer) strSQL = "SELECT MonthAvailable, ResourceID FROM tblResourceAvailability WHERE...
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    Addnew and Edit

    I did not find any difference in the sql statement.
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    Addnew and Edit

    I checked strCriteria gives moth available and resourceID and I also declared rstAvailability. But not knowing where the problem is? I was also trying another way but having error. Public Function Edit(intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer) strSQL = "SELECT MonthAvailable, ResourceID...
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    Addnew and Edit

    Hey I changed the code but still getting error. Public Function Edit(intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer) Set rstAvailability = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblResource") Dim strCriteria As String strCriteria = "[MonthAvailable]=" & Forms!filter("txtMonth" & intMonth) & _...
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    Addnew and Edit

    Hey, Still have an issue with the code. Public Function Edit(intRow As Integer, intMonth As Integer) Set rstAvailability = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblResource") Dim strCriteria As String strCriteria = "[MonthAvailable]=" & Forms!filter("txtMonth" & intMonth) & _...
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    Addnew and Edit

    In a function and called that function in MS-Access. I was also trying in different way but i get error saying too few parameters expected. Here in strSQL I get only one record if match is there or no record if match is not there. Public Function Edit(intRow As Integer, intMonth As...
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    Addnew and Edit

    I have a Grid of 3*3 textboxes. If I enter a new value in grid it should add a row in the table or if I update the existing value in the grid it should edit that record in the table. I am trying to first find whether that record is there in the entire table then if it does not add the...
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    How to get the data from a form into another from.

    They are rectangular bars not buttons. Any help is appreciated
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    How to get the data from a form into another from.

    How to get the data from a form into another from. I have a form "changeSecreen". I have name, ID, owner and command buttons. When I click on command button the other form "moveScreen" should open with the details of the name, Id and owner from the changeScreen. Can anyone help me in how to...
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    Change Year as Scroll bar moves

    As I move the scrollbar, I have to change the year once the month reaches Dec. There are 2 textboxes, one shows year and the other next year. The textboxes can expand and shrink. For example: When I open the form the it shows Year 2008 and months jan, Feb. .......Dec. As I scroll forward...
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    Textbox expanding and shrinking

    I checked Yes in MS-Access properties. This is actual queation. I have 2 textboxes say box1, box2 (which has year) on the grid which has month Jan, Feb, ...Dec etc. When I scroll the horizontal bar forward, box1 should shrinks and box2 should expand. For example: initially when I open...
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    Textbox expanding and shrinking

    Can anyone help me to make the textbox expand and shrink?
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    alligning bars ar Hor. Scrollbar is moved

    I have grid with months Jan to Dec, 2008. As we move the scroll bar forward the months get moved and years. ( parantheses is just for knowing how it looks eg: (2007) ) Initially, when the form is opened: Jan Feb ........Dec When scrolled forward: Feb Mar.........Dec Jan(2009) When...
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    Error in query expression

    This worked fine. Thanks
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    Error in query expression

    I have 5 rows but if I have only 2 rows in record set then I getting an error . For i = 1 to 5 Call change() Next CHANGE(i) Sql = "select * from table where Num= " &forms!frmchange("txtnum" &i) Set recordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Sql) If I have only 2 records in the...
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    Growing and shrinking Textbox

    Any hint how to expand and shrink the textbox. Thank you
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    Loop without Do

    Got It. Thanks.
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    Loop without Do

    I have an error of loop without do in the code. Any hint on it? Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer) Dim Year1 As Integer 'Size the form. InsideWidth = 1440 * 10 InsideHeight = 1440 * 6 chkResourceOptimizer = False txtYear1 = Format(CDate("1/1/" &...
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    Rounding the value

    It worked finally. Thanks
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