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    list box opens detail form of item selected

    SO i have a list box that fills based on the following code..... Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _ "Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'" Me.List91.RowSource = strSQL Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client...
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    combobox fill listbox

    Combobox that allows you to select multiply values...... i want it to put the selected values in the combobox into a listbox on the same there a way to do this with vb code.....
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    dont save changes on form

    i figured it out ...thanks
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    dont save changes on form

    Well i did this in the before update and its still not working...hmmmm If Me.Combo1.Value = "" Then Me.Undo End If I also tried If Me.Combo1.Value = null Then Me.Undo End If
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    dont save changes on form

    I add record button. This brings up a form shows a blank record with only one field automatically filled out at the top based on the client on the previous form. However, the problem is, is someone exits this form it saves the record with just that one client field filled out and the rest blank...
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    list box opens detail form of item selected

    I have a listbox on my main form(named:customer editor). I want to be able to double click an item in the list box(name:list91) and bring up another form called productdetails. I want this to bring up the details of teh particular record in selected from the list. so i know in the listbox...
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    report filter search

    I have a report that shows 3 columns, clients, versions, products and vendors. How can i make it so a user can filter the report to show only certain info. forexample, only show the clients that have a certain product. or only show clients with certain versions. Any suggestions? I want to...
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    report table help

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    report table help

    i have never used a report in access before. I am trying to have all my client information desplay in one report. I want 4 columns in the report. client account name & version from a query/ and products and vendors from a different table not in the query. However some clients are not in the...
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    access program not working properly!

    it worked..thanks
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    access program not working properly!

    ok, the new db and importing everythign idea i can make an accde file that works....i really hope that fixed the problem with the other versions of seems weird to me that that would be the problem, but hopefully
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    access program not working properly!

    Thanks so much for your help, like i said this is one of my first real projects in access so I might be just missing something really obvious. It seems like the code just isnt coming up at all when i check it in the accde. I attached 2 screenshots, maybe looking at that , it will make more...
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    access program not working properly!

    ok, so i am makeing an assumption, and i dont know if its right or not, but i cant test it since i cant go on a computer with a different version of access at the moment. I assume the problem that its not working when i make accde is the same as y its not working whe i open it in another...
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    access program not working properly!

    Thanks for the quick response, I really appreciate it. As you can see below, I think it is in the current event like u said Private Sub Form_current() Dim strSQL As String strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _ "Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"...
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    access program not working properly!

    hey guys, i really hope one of u guys can help me, I'm pretty desperate. I'm by no means an expert in access. other then then occaional class project, I have no experience. A few months back I i started to built a database to hold client information for a internship i worked @. I had gotten...
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