Search results for query: Filedialog

  1. theDBguy

    excel in access

    Hi. Take a look at the FileDialog Object
  2. theDBguy

    Loading files

    Hi. If your API code is not working, my guess is you may be using a 64-bit Access now. If so, you can either update your API code to work with 64-bit Access or use a FileDialog object instead of API.
  3. bastanu

    Renaming exported query

    Use FileDialog to allow them to save the file with their choice of name Dim intChoice As Integer Dim sFilename As String 'you might already have this declared somewhere else 'make the file dialog visible to the user intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs).Show 'determine what...
  4. I

    Open specific folder to link image

    Give this a read, it covers the file dialogue pretty well.
  5. lodmark

    Solved Lost possibility to add hyperlink

    ...a hyperlink to the recorded song on my hard drive by right clicking in the field. Something happened when I experimented with using the FileDialog function. In the end, I decided that hyperlink was a better option. Since then, I have not been able to add the hyperlink to the dialog box. I've...
  6. Djeli Paulin

    Importer et mise à jour d'access avec un fichier Excel

    ...Terminer par «Message final BilanImportation tu «Libérer les ressources Set tu = Nothing End Sub Maintenant je voudrais passer par un FileDialog pour donner le choix à mes collègues de leur fichier à l'importer donc j'ai mis en place un formulaire pour cela le code: Sous privé...
  7. Isaac

    I want a file picker menu to show Excel wordbooks and CSV files

    Notice to the far bottom right there is a drop down showing the various ones you have specified. You just have to change it: So the reason this was happening is because you added 2 separate filters. You can solve your original problem by putting them as one.
  8. isladogs

    vba to browse and save full filename

    ...changed to 64-bit Access? When I tried this around 2014 or so, I never managed to get GetOpenFileName to work in 64-bit even though I converted the APIs correctly. I changed all such code to use FileDialog instead. The code is far simpler and works in both 32-bit & 64-bit Suggest you do the same
  9. N

    Solved Copy folder

    ...have selected using Dim oExcel As Excel.Application Dim oWb As Excel.Workbook Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Dim dlg As FileDialog Set dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) With dlg .Title = "Select the Excel file to import" .AllowMultiSelect = False...
  10. theDBguy

    Solved Open an attachment

    Hi. You can use the FileDialog object for that. However, I wonder why you would care where the user wants to store the file, or even let them. If you were to allow users to double click on the attachment to open it normally, users won't need to select a location where to save it (hint, Access...
  11. isladogs

    GetOpenFileName(OpenFile) not working

    ...properly in 64-bit Access. I know that many others also had problems but unsure whether its solvable However, as mentioned by Micron, FileDialog does the same job and works perfectly in both bitnesses. Here is some example code for picking a file or a folder: Private Sub cmdBrowse_Click()...
  12. Snowflake68

    Import CSV with Windows File Prompt

    You are just brilliant, thank you. works like a dream
  13. A

    View pdf files within the form in MS Access 2013 Not working with Adobe Reader

    ...suggestion to do so? I tried to upload my db in this thread it's allowed, below is my code: Private Sub btnBrowse_Click() Dim file As FileDialog Set file = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) file.AllowMultiSelect = False If file.Show Then Me.txtFileLocation =...
  14. J

    FileDialog not filtering files

    ...test Const partialName As String = "OsServerRestriction" Const partialExt As String = "*.csv" Dim fd As Object Set fd = Application.FileDialog( _ DialogType:=3) Dim fileName As String With fd .Title = "Select " & partialName & " File" .initialfilename...
  15. E

    vba to browse and save full filename

    ...using Folder Picker, and yes, I am using Office 365. Private Sub Command40_Click() On Error GoTo Err_Command40_Click Dim Myfile As FileDialog Set Myfile = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) Dim FileAddress As String With Myfile .Filters.Clear .AllowMultiSelect...
  16. arnelgp

    Save Attachments in Folder Not Database

    ...text, description of attachment) Attachment (short text, path + filename of attachment) you need the code from the first Link you have (FileDialog) to be able to locate the associated file. you can use FileCopy (to copy the file to central directory). you can then be able to save the...
  17. theDBguy

    Access VBA: File picker with filters - SAVE AS

    Well, I wasn't thinking about the Application FileDialog, but the SaveAs method of the (I think) Worksheet object. Sent from phone...
  18. arnelgp

    Access and VLC, unable to play.

    I experimented building a VLC form. you need to add reference to Microsoft Office Xx.X object library (for the FileDialog). must have VLC installed.
  19. isladogs

    Loading files

    ...the API declarations and the associated Type values, I could never get either to work successfully. That may have been my inexperience at the time, but I know others who had the same problem. I changed all my code to use FileDialog. It works in both 32 & 64-bit without needing to convert the code
  20. theDBguy

    Import CSV with Windows File Prompt

    Yes, you can actually add a few more things. I just didn't want to over complicate it. Check out the following properties of the FileDialog object (there's more). InitialFileName Filters Title etc.
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