Search results for query: Filedialog

  1. T

    Solved linking jpeg outside of a database

    ...template but it doesn't work when i move the code and buttons to my original db. any idea why ? Private Sub Command36_Click() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim i As Integer Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With fd .AllowMultiSelect = False 'show only...
  2. F

    Select All Files by File Type

    Hi DB, Loving the file explorer/viewer demo you have. Could you assist how I might replace the code using Dir() in a loop? Thank you in advance
  3. theDBguy

    File picker wont let go...

    Hi. I believe there is a bug right now when using the FileDialog object. The folder gets locked up until Access is closed. Are you using the latest version of Access? PS. On second thought, it may be a bug in Office, since the FileDialog is a common object to the entire Office suite.
  4. moke123

    GetOpenFile not working in 64Bit Windows 11 under MSAccess 2021

    Why not use the built in File dialog? That does not help. We need to see the actual code in the module that the event procedure is calling.
  5. S

    Solved FileDialog "Userdefined Typ not defined"

    Hi guys, for some odd reason my FileDialog giving me the above mentioned error. I do have set the object Library 16.0 in the reference and use or like to use the file dialog in one of my forms. However now it gives me the error when I debug the code. Database compact and repair I tried as...
  6. arnelgp

    Solved Access vba Manage an Attachment field with vba

    ...As Integer) As String On Error GoTo ErrHandler Dim db As DAO.Database Dim rst As DAO.Recordset2 Dim fDialog As FileDialog Dim sFilePath As String Set db = CurrentDb Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Company WHERE Company.CompanyID =" & CompID...
  7. arnelgp

    Report Output - Prompt for a Folder Location

    you can create a Function that create an instance of the Filedialog: Public Function FileSaveAs() As FileDialog Static fd As FileDialog If fd Is Nothing Then Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) End If Set FileSaveAs = fd End Function Private Sub T() Dim defFile As String...
  8. E

    Save with Pop-up window when exporting a XML file with VBA

    You need a reference to Microsoft Office XX.0 Object Library. msoFileDialogSaveAs is a constant from this library. Alternatively, you can use late binding: Late Binding the FileDialog
  9. arnelgp

    Report Output - Prompt for a Folder Location

    ...T() Dim defFile As String Dim filename As String 'this is the default filename defFile = "1234" & ".pdf" 'get default filename from the FileDialog filename = FileSaveAs.InitialFileName 'check if there is a Default in the Filedialog If InStrRev(filename, "\") = Len(filename) Then 'there is...
  10. E

    Compile error 64-bit system

    The code looks like a FileDialog. You could also use the one from the MS Office object library, preferably in a variant using late binding by Daniel Pineault: Late Binding the FileDialog The selection of directories is included, this will not be the case with your variant.
  11. NauticalGent

    File picker wont let go...

    Thanks DBG, I did notice that once I closed Access, there was a "reset" of sorts. Guess I'll have to wait it out...
  12. P

    why the sorting Doesn't Happen?

    Option Compare Database Private Sub MailFolder_Browse_Click() Dim MailFolderDiag As FileDialog Set MailFolderDiag = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) With MailFolderDiag .AllowMultiSelect = False .Show End With Me.MailFolder.Value = MailFolderDiag.SelectedItems(1) Dim...
  13. arnelgp

    Json file to Access table/tables

    ...and some code I added to interact Access with Excel. You need to add reference to Microsoft Office XX.X Object Library (for the filedialog) and Microsoft Excel XX.X Object Library. The sample is not an "all-around" solution, but targetted on specific json structure. If you have different...
  14. M

    DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet no longer trims trailing spaces from field names after conversion to Office 365

    ...DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet with Office 365? Thank you. Private Sub btn_ImportDataFile_Click() Dim Response As Integer Dim fd As FileDialog Dim fileName As String Response = MsgBox("This will import a data file into the system. Do you wish to proceed?", vbYesNo, "Import...
  15. Papashep

    Solved Access vba Manage an Attachment field with vba

    Hi thanks for your help. I tried your code, but it gave me the error Invalid or unqualified reference on the line: With .Fields("Logo").Value I have now found the solution which I will post in my reply.
  16. N

    Solved Mass Importing Txt Files

    I am looking for a better way to import txt files rather than me having to select the file and then import all the files are within 1 folder
  17. jdraw

    Choose a Folder

    ...' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: SaveFileToSelectedFolder ' Purpose: Routine to use FileDialogPicker to save a file ' Procedure Kind: Sub ' Procedure Access: Public ' Author: Jack ' Date: 22-Mar-23 ' Related...
  18. T

    Solved Open Explorer according FilePath filed

    ...user dont need to search through hundreds of them by scrolling. here is a code of attaching pic. Private Sub attachcall_Click() Dim fd As FileDialog Dim i As Integer Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) With fd .AllowMultiSelect = False 'show only...
  19. LarryE

    Basic backend table modification questions ...

    I use the following code to select a backend file and connect to it: Public Function ConnectFileDialog() On Error GoTo ConnectFileDialog_Error Dim ConnectDataFileDialog As FileDialog Set ConnectDataFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) Dim SelectedFile As Variant Dim db...
  20. jdraw

    Choose a Folder

    ...' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: SaveFileToSelectedFolder ' Purpose: Routine to use FileDialogPicker to save a file ' Parameter: rptName (string): Name of the report ' Procedure Kind: Sub ' Procedure Access: Public ' Author: Jack ' Date...
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