Search results for query: Filedialog

  1. D

    Seeeking BrowseFolder coe

    I found but it doesn;t work (as supplied) lngType:=msoFileDialogFolderPicker msomsoFileDialogFolderPicker is a undefined variable. Is there anything else ?> Thanks.
  2. P

    Report Output - Prompt for a Folder Location

    ...Public Function fChooseFile() ' Requires reference to Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library. Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog Dim varFile As Variant ' Set up the File Dialog. Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) With fDialog ' Allow...
  3. F

    Automated import from other database

    ...Dim rsExisting As DAO.Recordset Dim rsImported As DAO.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim fld As DAO.Field Dim fd As FileDialog Dim selectedFile As String ' Open the file dialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) With fd...
  4. jdraw

    [ACCESS 2016] Copy paste records from tables to other tables in a different database your code formatted and between code tags. Private Sub btnFusionTbl_Click() 'référence : Microsoft Office xx.x Object Library pour FileDialog On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim dbsInt As DAO.Database, dbsExt As DAO.Database Dim tdfInt As DAO.TableDef, tdfExt As DAO.TableDef...
  5. jdraw

    How to import a txt file in MS Access with VBA

    Have you tried using the FileDialog as you did in the Similar Thread post? Here's a link/sample without fileDialog.
  6. T

    CSV semicolon delimited without header import and all data in first table column

    ...even so, the imported data remains in first column. Public Sub ImporterFichier() ' Open Dialog box to select a file Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) fd.Title = "Sélectionner le fichier à importer" fd.InitialFileName = ""...
  7. Gasman

    Seeeking BrowseFolder coe

    It clearly states A single object is necessary. To implement this facility you use the FileDialog object from the MS Office Object library. This requires that the library is included as a reference of the project. If you don't find it already selected in the Tools \ References list (in the VBA...
  8. P

    Attachments with Access Front End / SQL Back end

    ...Option Explicit Public Function fChooseFile() ' Requires reference to Microsoft Office 11.0 Object Library. Dim fDialog As Office.FileDialog Dim varFile As Variant ' Set up the File Dialog. Set fDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) With fDialog...
  9. A

    [ACCESS 2016] Copy paste records from tables to other tables in a different database

    Hi, yes i tried. that is why i said i got this 2046 error. Actually i would like to select only ten tables only, but i dont find how to write it.
  10. Kayleigh

    Add attachment with VBA code, getting bug

    I don't think you should have a space before the .FileDialog
  11. G

    Attachments with Access Front End / SQL Back end

    So I've implemented everything and it works well. The only issue is, my attachments are showing up for every record in the main form despite each attachment having an ID equal to only one record (i.e. propertyID in your example). I made the tblAttachments table have a many to one relationship...
  12. bastanu

    Save with Pop-up window when exporting a XML file with VBA

    Use the built in FileDialog to do that: Cheers,
  13. MajP

    Solved How to transform this data?

    For those interested Private RS As DAO.Recordset Public Function GetFile() As String ' Set up the File Dialog. Dim fdialog As FileDialog Set fdialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) With fdialog ' Allow user to make multiple selections in dialog box...
  14. LarryE

    Upload files to a DB table using a button on a form

    If you need code to search for and open a pdf file, then you can use this: Public Function SelectPDF() ChDir CurrentProject.Path Dim ImportFileDialog As FileDialog Set ImportFileDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) Dim SelectedFile As Variant Dim db As DAO.Database Set db =...
  15. P

    right click menu that point to accdb or accde

    ...Resume Exit_Proc Resume End Select End Function Public Function fChooseDirectory() 'Declare a variable as a FileDialog object. Dim fd As FileDialog 'Create a FileDialog object as a File Picker dialog box. Set fd =...
  16. T

    CSV semicolon delimited without header import and all data in first table column

    ...but I don't get it. You'll find my code here under Public Sub ImporterFichier() ' Open Dialog box to select a file Dim fd As FileDialog Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker) fd.Title = "Sélectionner le fichier à importer" fd.InitialFileName = ""...
  17. A

    [ACCESS 2016] Copy paste records from tables to other tables in a different database that would be awesome! thanks Option Explicit Private Sub btnFusionTbl_Click() 'référence : Microsoft Office xx.x Object Library pour FileDialog On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim dbsInt As DAO.Database, dbsExt As DAO.Database Dim tdfInt As DAO.TableDef, tdfExt As DAO.TableDef Dim fdg As...
  18. June7

    Microsoft Access cannot find the object 'I1'

    ...the destination name argument is blank. If you want combobox value, can't use this dialog. Must provide file path/name argument. As I said, if you want user to pick a location, use FileSystemObject FolderPicker. Here is one reference...
  19. S

    Add attachment with VBA code, getting bug

    Hi @Krayna , thanks for the help, it was my mistake, reference should have been added.
  20. Gasman

    Excel Save as
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