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  1. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    HI, This database was not a review. You either use it or not. Simple. Peter
  2. P

    Add empty rows in a report

    Hi, What I do is add the number of records required and in the main sort field add either aa or zz depending how you want it sorted (top or bottom) and then on the report in conditional formatting if sort field = aa or zz change the text to white.
  3. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    Forgot to add. The Backend needs to be in C:\Chips\ folder or change the link tables within the Front End.
  4. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    Just realised I can add it here. For anyone who uses the database can you just let me know. Thanks Peter
  5. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    Hi, I had a request from the website. Can you give me your email so I can send a copy to you.
  6. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    Hi, Did you send a reply from my website?
  7. P

    Attendance/Membership/Dues Database Example

    Hi, I wrote a database for our local community house in Victoria Australia. See below for description and videos. Manuals can be provided. Home Page Have a look as I think it maybe what you want. If you want a copy I will send you one. Peter
  8. P

    Manual writing

    Hi, Can you tell me the best (possibly free) manual writing software for my Access database. I have notes on each field but my boss wants a manual. Thanks Peter
  9. P

    Finding the 2nd,3rd or 4th Wednesday of the month.

    Hi, Hope you can help. As per the title, how do I find finding the 1st,2nd,3rd or 4th Wednesday (whatever) of the month given month and year? Thanks Peter
  10. P

    Time Picker

    Hi, Is there such a thing aa a Time picker much like a Date picker for a Date/Time field. It would be great if I could pick the increments such as ever 15 minutes. Thanks Peter
  11. P

    Display calendar.

    Hi, My database has a table with date, start time and end time. Is there anyway of displaying this information that looks like an outlook calendar. Thanks
  12. P

    Play Youtube from form

    Hi, I'm getting:
  13. P

    Play Youtube from form

    Hi, I think I am missing something simple but can you tell me how to play a youtube video from a form. I have a number of youtube demos and would like have them 'clickable' (Button?) from a form. I have tried Me.WebBrowser0.ControlSource but get an error. Any Ideas. Thanks
  14. P

    Auto testing tools

    Just as an update, I have found and started to using a keystroke recorder minimouse recorder which is doing the trick for me. Peter
  15. P

    Auto testing tools

    Hi, It's me again:) I have now just about completed my database and was think there must be an easier way of testing forms. My thinking possibly be a key stroke recorder that I can run on each form to check if the form functions correctly. I had one years ago (on main frame) that you could have...
  16. P

    Convert accdb to accde

    Can you help I have a FE_ and BE_ database and have tried to convert the FE_ to accde and all I get is Unable to convert message from the helpful MS team :). Can someone help on the possible reasons. Thanks Peter
  17. P


    Hi, Has anyone had any issue putting BE_ on Onedrive? Peter
  18. P

    Reduce FE_ size

    Hi, I need to reduce my FE_ size, which show I look at first Queries, Forms or Reports or are they just the same. Thanks Peter
  19. P

    Shrink datbase.

    Hi, I would like to shrink my front end down, can you tell me which uses the most space queries, forms or reports. Thanks Peter
  20. P

    Back and front end sizes.

    Good points
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