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  1. P

    Report field(s) selection.

    Hi, Like the idea of combining the text box's on the report. There is always an easier way.
  2. P

    Report field(s) selection.

    Hi, I have a solution that works for me and was limited to 5 fields but can increase of required. I created a table for selection of fields FieldDesc FieldName FieldType FieldSelectNo I then Created a popup where they place a 1 to 5 in the FieldSelectNo Using the dlookup on the FieldSelectno I...
  3. P

    Report field(s) selection.

    Hi, SOLVER please see solution below. Can you help. I would like to be able to select any fields from a table to print on a report at time of printing. Was think of a popup with tick boxes but not to sure where to go from there. Peter
  4. P

    Line return from string to Field

    Hi, It's me again. I need to add a line feed in a string and write to a field. It works if I use msgbox but not when I write to the field. I have tried all the normal chr(10) and chr(13) and both together. I have the following code: If IsNull(Me.D1AM) Then Me.D1AM = DLookup("[Given]"...
  5. P

    Mobile Calls via VOIP

    Hi, I have an idea where I have a mobile number in a field and by double clicking it will connect to VOIP and make the phone call. Is this possible and if so how. I know that I will probably have to pay for the call. Regards Peter
  6. P

    Help file

    Hi, Can anyone give me a idea of adding a help to fields. (by pressing function key?) I know there is a roll over but was thinking of having a table with help for each field and then use a dlookup, but am open to any suggestions Thanks Peter
  7. P

    Send Outlook appointments

    Hi, Is there a quick code to send an Outlook meeting request via email. If you have it or can refer me I would appreciate it. Regards Peter
  8. P

    Pause script

    Hi, Once again can anyone help. I have a script and I would like to pause the script at DoCmd.OpenReport "R_CourseCard", acViewPreview until the preview has closed. I know I can add the extra script 'on close' on the report but would like it in the original script. Thanks Peter
  9. P

    Date to Date

    Hi, Hope you can help. I have a field 'short text' with 'Thursday 10th October' Is there an easy way of converting to 10/10/2019 in date field with VBA Thanks for any help Peter
  10. P

    Copy Text to clipboard.

    Hi, I am trying to copy text to clipboard. The only way I have seen is by using focus method Me!txtNotes.SetFocus DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy is there a way of just copying some text ie "17856799" The reason is that our printer requires a code to print and I do not want to have to type the...
  11. P

    iif statement.

    Hi, Double checked so thought I would go the whole hog and add Reports!Reportname!image.... worked like a charm. Thanks for you help. Peter
  12. P

    iif statement.

    Hi, Thanks for the reply. Entered as suggested. And got the attached error. I tried changing the image and is now image49 Me.[Image49].Visible = (Me.[Surname] <> "a") Is it something I have typed? Peter
  13. P

    iif statement.

    Hi, I am trying to print business cards but need to 'switch' off the logo (image) depending on the field [Surname]. (Please see attached jpg) My iif statement is as follows which I have placed in the image Control Source. iif([Surname] = "a",[Image42].visible = False) However it does not...
  14. P

    Switch on/off image on Report

    Hi, I am printing membership cards with a logo(Image). However we use the same A4 card sheet over and over (as we may only print 2 at a time) so the the top of the sheet may have a couple of cards missing. So the next time we start to print on maybe the 3rd position on the sheet. (Dangerous I...
  15. P

    Check if Query exits

    Hi, Is there an easy way of checking via VB if a query exists? Regards Peter
  16. P

    Backup .accdb

    Hi, Is there a way to backup the entire database using vb. The backups I have found only appear to backup data not the changed code in the current session. Thanks for any help Peter
  17. P

    Count Invoices

    Hi, Can you help me. I need to count the number of invoices to a client for a report. eg fldclient fldInvoice# 1 101 1 110 1 123 2 113 2 115 count client 1 has 3 invoices client 2 has 2 invoices etc The dcount does not appear to be the...
  18. P

    Adding Blank Fields to a Report

    Hi, This may not help but I had the same issue so I copied all the records to a blank table. Did a count of now many records there were and looped to add (inserting a 'z' so that these records appear at the end of the report) the difference to the table always had the same number of records...
  19. P

    Preview same report with different data

    Hi, Hope you can help. I have a loop that that produces the same report with different data, however ms access appears to only allow one instance of a report name. Is there a way around this. Thanks Peter
  20. P

    Form record loop not picking up textboxs

    Hi, Thanks Peter
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