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  1. jdraw

    Revising order detail lines with between Lot number

    I share your concerns with Something has to be the authority. There needs to be a process--whether automated or manual -- that represents the current facts. If a change is made there, then you need procedures in place to have those facts presented to those dealing with/needing the current...
  2. jdraw

    Verify a File Path

    Function DirExists(MyDir As String) As Boolean DirExists = False If Len(Dir(MyDir, vbDirectory)) > 0 Then DirExists = True End Function Seems like your Valid check is some comparison with a number of local, custom strings/components.
  3. jdraw

    Verify a File Path

    Perhaps you can provide examples of Valid and Not Valid. Validity seems to be something you see/understand, but which is not clear to readers.
  4. jdraw

    Verify a File Path

    How do you differentiate "valid" vs "exists"?
  5. jdraw

    Run Excel Trim Function from Access

    Doc, Off topic, but I found this years ago and it still works. Sub testspeak() Dim s As Object Set s = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") s.Speak "Greetings. How are you? Is jeopardy over?" Set s = Nothing End Sub
  6. jdraw

    I'm in Love with ChatGPT

    Tony, This may encourage you to adjust your love of chatgpt.
  7. jdraw

    BBC Corrupt?

    Tony, This is the only BBC affiliated story I found.
  8. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, Here is the revised code for DataMacroFiles. ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: DataMacroFiles ' Purpose: Routine to review xml files in a specified folder where datamacros were SaveAsText. ' Filter filenames for...
  9. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    You are correct, I do not check if there are no xml files in the folder. That is an oversight on my part. I will change to do so. I don't use Edge, I use Firefox so that may be responsible for some differences. Wist FileExplorer when I list files in Documents folder I see the following and...
  10. jdraw

    Trouble with VB script on a Form

    Try SqFtR= Round(SqFt, 4)
  11. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Glad you have got things working. Yes, for my testing I had the Saved data macro .xml in the same folder as the Database. That is because the code to do the saveAsText wrote it to that folder. It could be any other folder. The only condition is that the SaveTo folder must also be the LoadFrom...
  12. jdraw

    A whole new world...

    Welcome to AWF!
  13. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, I copied your database from Downloads to Documents Renamed the copy to "Jan30_165_DM_Test_Target.accdb" ?currentdb.Name C:\Users\JP\Documents\Jan30_165_DM_Test_Target.accdb Then invoked the following from your module1 DataMacroFiles "C:\Users\jp\Documents\" <======invoked here...
  14. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, Just ran SaveAllDataMacros on the Source database saving data macros for: tblAuditLog in file: C:\Users\jp\Documents\macrosFor_tblAuditLog.xml tblAuditLog has no associated data macro(s) saving data macros for: tblSource in file: C:\Users\jp\Documents\macrosFor_tblSource.xml...
  15. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, I'm not sure why the table events with Data macros are not highlighted when opening the table in data sheet view. I found this last week and mentioned it to some others ---no body has an answer. I noticed that the NorthWind 2.0 ver 3 also with data macros does not have the table...
  16. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, I renamed your databases with leading Marshall. Databases and xml in "C:\users\jp\documents\" renamed the old xml with old prefix and txt suffix Copied latest routines from #157 to module2 set reference to scripting runtime for and using...
  17. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Marshall, I see you have posted while I was testing and posting. I have not looked at your latest test database yet--but will shortly. I did the following before seeing your latest post. I just did a test using a front end with no user tables. I think this set of routines has the message in...
  18. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Did you save the DM to text from the testdb? Can you send me a copy of your copy? So I can see what's going on? Do you get an error msg and line reference? I have been away from this for a week and have different db's now. ???Did a quick check. I tried using the front end Database and there...
  19. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    I'm in a meeting at the moment, but will check back later. As I said in #146 you may not need all that logic, depending on what you are doing. If you are just loading from text, you don't necessarily need to be checking existing text files etc.
  20. jdraw

    Audit Update of a Field

    Did you see the SQL in #146? If you used the code from #113, do you have a printout?
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