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  1. jdraw

    Darshan Hiranandani : Creating a Form for Multiple Entries in a Table (Same Form) - Dispatch Details

    This thread and the quoted thread (by LarryE) show similar / same location via IP addr???
  2. jdraw


    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  3. jdraw

    How to Restore a window within Access (I'm embarassed to ask)

    ?? Are you talking about seeing the code /vbe?? Ctrl-G Or Overlapping windows??
  4. jdraw


    Welcome aboard AWF!
  5. jdraw

    Data Macro - Strange Performance Issue

    Is there a reason to have the listbox ---could you not just have the button?
  6. jdraw


    Welcome aboard AWF!
  7. jdraw

    Data Macro - Strange Performance Issue

    With reference to post #5, I am jdraw and did provide a sample database at AWF. The whole thread has a discussion of using data macros. You might want to describe/provide an example of what you mean by "audit tracking". Typically you would have an audit table and a record for each change to...
  8. jdraw

    Solved Normalization - Struggles In Access

    dalski, I recommend you provide a 30,000 ft overview (simple terms no jargon) of the business/process you are trying to automate. It will help put your info into context.
  9. jdraw

    Hello All

    Welcome Al! Many here are old, so you're joining a group with at least that in common.
  10. jdraw

    Hello from Eugene

    Welcome aboard AWF, Eugene! The links in my signature may be useful to you.
  11. jdraw

    Ice. Ice.. Baby..!

    Can you tell us the proposed need for 1000 ice cubes to be at the ready? As Minty said Try Amazon for options.
  12. jdraw

    Hi I'm Craig

    Craig, welcome aboard AWF!
  13. jdraw

    Hello all!

    Welcome to AWF!
  14. jdraw

    Northwind 2.0 fresh template startup errors on Access 365

    This is what I have on opening the Nw 2.4 Dev for comparison/info.
  15. jdraw

    Northwind 2.0 fresh template startup errors on Access 365

    Thank you George. New database shows 2.4! I have bookmarked link for reference.(y)
  16. jdraw

    Northwind 2.0 fresh template startup errors on Access 365

    Tom/Paul/George, ??My title shows 2.0 Here is the start of modStartup Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Const g_strAppName As String = "Northwind Traders 2.0 Developer Edition" Public Const g_dtNorthwindInception As Date = "11/01/2022" Public g_dbApp As DAO.Database...
  17. jdraw

    Northwind 2.0 fresh template startup errors on Access 365

    ?? Is there something obvious in the Northwind Traders template that identifies the version?? I have Microsoft® Access® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2411 Build 16.0.18227.20082) 64-bit with automatic updates. Just used the NW Developer Template and everything is referencing 2.0?? Is there a...
  18. jdraw

    How to read the Funct/Sub name from Vba code?

    amorosik, Further to what others have said, with VBA I don't think it is possible to get function/sub names during program execution. Best you can probably do is get the names at design time. Tom van Stiphout discusses this in this video on Northwind 2.2. You could write code to modify code--...
  19. jdraw

    Check whether a form is opened as subform

    Hi Paul, I tested with an old database and it's a bit of a nightmare re naming consistency. Or maybe just old age and little practice. Hopefully the logic may be useful to someone.
  20. jdraw

    Check whether a form is opened as subform

    I like Edgar's solution in #30. But thought I should give identifying subform controls and their sourceobjects a try based on Forms, controls and forms loaded into subform controls. FWIW. ' ---------------------------------------------------------------- ' Procedure Name: Check4Subforms '...
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