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  1. jdraw

    Solved Automated search for Database Corruption Assistance

    Marshall, I thought you were also checking/confirming that each table had a PK defined. If you had a routine to do so, it might help in diagnosis. It would be quick running and read-only. (AFAIK) Quick and automated to show that a PK(s) had been dropped/compromised. If all tables have a PK by...
  2. jdraw

    Solved Automated search for Database Corruption Assistance

    GPG, Interesting observation/experience. Since Marshall has a procedure to check/confirm that Each Table has a PK, routine running of the procedure should identify if this condition( no PK on Table6) exists.
  3. jdraw

    Solved Automated search for Database Corruption Assistance

    Sounds like a plan--- keep us updated.
  4. jdraw

    New retired member from UK

    Hi Ian, welcome aboard AWF!
  5. jdraw

    Sort problem

    Show your revised code "that isn't working".
  6. jdraw

    Access Continuous Form too long for screen

    Amallon, Can you describe how to interpret the graphic to show "30 x chicken currys, 4 x Lasange..."? Perhaps you could tell us more about the current display---the who what, why, when sort of approach... as Pat has asked.
  7. jdraw

    Exporting Attachments from Access tables

    You may find some info at this older thread
  8. jdraw

    Solved TransferSpreadsheet Issue - Periods In Field Names

    Kev, That wasn't my intent. If they use VLookup everywhere, then maybe they were limited to Excel. Perhaps you are introducing the use of Access --your method to do it -and that was never done before. So from a context perspective --this could be a new process, and you are discovering some...
  9. jdraw

    Record not found

    ilanray, First, I agree with the others that checking that there are records in the recordset (eg Not EOF) is fundamental. Second, do you have any evidence that the recordset has any values? And what those values may be? You could do a recordcount. It just seems that you may be assuming...
  10. jdraw

    Solved TransferSpreadsheet Issue - Periods In Field Names

    Kev, How did they deal with this before you joined the company? Or is this some new process since your arrival?
  11. jdraw

    Solved How to format unbound MS Access to Receive a Pure String

    Does anyone understand the requirement sufficiently well -- and can provide a description of same?
  12. jdraw

    Solved Cannot find Referenced Form

    See Form.Form Properties
  13. jdraw

    Most efficient way to solve this problem

    Suggest you pick a small subset of your data; put it in a separate temptable; get your query working and vet the result; T H EN adjust your query to work with real data. No need to test on 700K records.
  14. jdraw

    G'day from New Zealand

    Welcome to AWF, CatDad! The articles/links in my signature may be helpful to your learning Access and database.
  15. jdraw

    Solved Combobox to return the values from a table that haven't already been used and exclude the values that have been used

    Here's a link to a youtube video show a listbox trick for adding/removing items from listbox. Iy may offer a method or at least some insight to a solution.
  16. jdraw

    Multi User Database with Record Locking

    Ben, I am not a developer and do not have any sort of multi-user testing. Have you determined that the Lock is acquired before attempting changes to a record? Can you/have you checked/verified that the same record is locked by more than 1 user at 1 time? Perhaps one of the active developers...
  17. jdraw

    Multi User Database with Record Locking

    You may get some insight from this Implementing Queue-based applications article by Philipp Stiefel.
  18. jdraw

    Colin's handle, "Isladogs," has always intrigued me.

    Tony, I don't know the significance of Colin's "handle" Isladogs. For a long time he was Ridders. Here's the wikipedia view that I have associated (my guess, probably incorrect) with his newer moniker. I remember hearing Isle of Dogs from a Sherlock Holmes radio broadcast. Perhaps, we should...
  19. jdraw

    Solved How to set up unique customer codes based on customer types

    asteropi, This thread is marked SOLVED--- what is the solution? It could be helpful to others. Please describe.
  20. jdraw

    Hi there!

    Welcome to AWF and back to Access!
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