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  1. jdraw

    Report in general

    I'm not sure if your question is academic or if you're approaching tentatively asking how to search and show few records at a time. An option, pending clarification, could be a form with search field and max number of records to show...??? Reports are for print typically.
  2. jdraw

    Report With A Query Problem

    ?? Why would/could Investments01_tbl.Stock_Name be Null? SELECT Investments01_tbl.Symbol_Stock, Investments01_tbl.Stock_Name, Investments01_tbl.Investigate, Investments01_tbl.Trade FROM Investments01_tbl WHERE Investments01_tbl.Investigate=Yes OR Investments01_tbl.Trade="Purchased"; Query1...
  3. jdraw

    Hi there from UK

    Welcome to AWF!
  4. jdraw

    Solved DCOUNT

    Is Sales.Price Currency datatype?
  5. jdraw

    Solved DCOUNT

    Generally you would run a query to calculate the total. You would not store the total in a table. You would put the Total value on a form or report as needed. What is the ultimate goal? What additional calculations?
  6. jdraw

    Solved How to set up unique customer codes based on customer types

    asteropi, You seem to be focused on manipulating text box contents. I think it would be helpful to you and readers if you told us more about WHAT you are trying to support with automation. You mention Customer code and Customer type... and that suggests to me some business activity involving...
  7. jdraw

    Solved How to use MS Access Messages Properly

    cheekybuddha/David, Do you have a sample database using Dymeng/ Jack Leach's JSON Parser that you could share?
  8. jdraw

    Hello from Vietnam!

    Welcome to AWF!
  9. jdraw

    Is it possible replace the value with regex in batch?

    I agree Paul. However I was just working with your sample You could devise logic to deal with numeric street address. eg Split and process substring...
  10. jdraw

    Is it possible replace the value with regex in batch?

    Perhaps: More than 999 and Not containing a comma.
  11. jdraw

    Hello from Perth, Western Australia

    Welcome to AWF!
  12. jdraw


    What DISTINCT field(s) exactly? Here's an example SELECT DISTINCT Country, City, PostalCode FROM Customers; See this from w3schools.
  13. jdraw

    Is it possible replace the value with regex in batch?

    sleepy11, How consistent is your data? Are your addresses formatted in a standard/consistent manner? Your request is interesting, seems a local requirement rather than a Canada Post formatting need.
  14. jdraw

    I'm Tom and new to this forum

    Welcome aboard AWF, Tom! Lots of us old, retired guys here.
  15. jdraw

    Update multiple table single column from main table column

    akk303, My point on 'business process(es)' was intended for you to provide an overview description of WHAT you are trying to automate/support with a database. I can remove the term business from the post and emphasize the what is the subject matter and what are the relevant steps involved...
  16. jdraw

    Update multiple table single column from main table column

    I think it would be helpful to you and readers if you could step back and provide a 30,000 ft overview of the 'business process(es)' you are trying to automate/support with a database. Use simple plain English.
  17. jdraw

    Running sum and balance report for stock control system

    See this AppInventory article by Allen Browne for ideas and insight.
  18. jdraw

    Solved Trying to query two tables but get too many records in results

    I recommend you show the SQL for the queries. Or, better still, provide a copy of the database with enough data and instructions to repeat the queries.
  19. jdraw

    Solved Relations between products : Similar Products.

    Without some examples and not clear on what similar entails, I googled some attributes of Product.
  20. jdraw

    What's your best/worst joke?

    Good one Doc! Reminds me of one I heard years ago. The setting is the introduction of roads and rules, We're introducing the rule that cars must drive on right side of the road..... and if this works well, then in one year we'll adjust to apply same to trucks and motorcycles.
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