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  1. jdraw

    Character counting without spaces

    DT, Can you tell us more about the following? It might be helpful if you could tell readers a little about the "business" involved and where database fits/might fit with the production/administration or ?? of word documents. CJ has given responses to your specific question, but perhaps there...
  2. jdraw


    Welcome to AWF, Des! Do you have database experience?
  3. jdraw

    Workspace.CommitTrans not saving records into table

    Here is an article by Philipp Stiefel on Using Transactions in MS Access. See if it sheds any light on your issue.
  4. jdraw

    Validation rule that allows any number of digits and spaces?

    qrodrigob, I have a feeling that sirkistova will not try your validador model -- the post was 13 years ago.
  5. jdraw

    hide a record while it's being edited in a form

    Shura30, You may find this article on queue based applications by Philipp Stiefel helpful for concept/background. (same author as the Transaction article suggested by ebs17 in #31)
  6. jdraw

    A New Member Here !

    Welcome aboard AWF, Tipsy!
  7. jdraw

    Delete event triggers for moving files

    How exactly do you identify what records should be deleted? Once you know what the selections/deletion criteria are, then you can set up the logic to do the delete/or move/or flag the desired records. I agree with ebs17 that physical delete would not be the first step. People often flag a record...
  8. jdraw

    Form - Subform

    Please provide more information.Start with a 30,000 ft overview of the business involved. Add some detail to identify a buyer. What are they buying? What is important about the purchase? You have provided very, bare bones -- we need to put some flesh on the skeleton.
  9. jdraw

    Hi AWF

    Welcome to AWF, Carlos!
  10. jdraw

    Solved Problem with using ByRef with a recordset field

    nrgins, Agreed. But even without the returned value, I could not get the "header" value to change??
  11. jdraw

    Solved Problem with using ByRef with a recordset field

    I mocked it up with the following. I has a table1 with a numeric field "header" Public Function pe(ByRef varBaseAmt As Variant, varNewAmt As Variant) As Variant pe = Nz(varBaseAmt, 0) + Nz(varNewAmt, 0) Debug.Print "PE" & " " & pe End Function Sub testpe() Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs...
  12. jdraw

    Save the names of tables, forms, and reports in a Microsoft Access database to a table named "ObjectNames.

    Ramzi, You might want to review some recent(Oct/23) work "List Access Objects" by Crystal (strive4peace). The video and accompanying application do what you are asking and much more. You can review/inspect her code in detail to learn various coding techniques.
  13. jdraw


    You may get some insight from this video series by Richard Rost.
  14. jdraw

    Hello Forum Members, Introducing myself

    Hi John and welcome to AWF!
  15. jdraw

    Hello Forum Members - New User Introduction!

    Hi Andy, welcome to AWF! I have lots of links here.
  16. jdraw

    Grouping Not Working

    As others, who are trying to assist you, have said, more details are required in order to understand your needs and to provide focused responses. A quick look into your supplied "mdb" database shows -No OPTION EXPLICIT (which is highly recommended to void typos/spelling issues) -little to no...
  17. jdraw


    Welcome to AWF and welcome back to Access!
  18. jdraw

    Where Not Exists help!

    As a start, you are missing a "S" EXIST should be EXISTS
  19. jdraw

    Hi members

    Welcome to AWF!
  20. jdraw

    Table view command

    Readers need more context to enable focused suggestions. Give us an overview of what subject matter you are dealing with and what would trigger the need for this data.
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