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  1. R

    Conditional formating of control on continuous form

    I have a continuous form on which where each record has many controls, including control (A). I wish to set the colour of this control based on the contents of another control (B). Control B is a memo format and is placed behind another control making it hidden. The idea being that the user can...
  2. R

    Storing colors then using in VBA

    I can change the colours on loading the form using an event procedure in VBA. This has to be added to each form. I want to give users the option of 2 or 3 colour sets and am reasonably certain that I can do this by accessing table based options. I have never used any vba code that is not local...
  3. R

    Problem using VBA to insert records into a table

    Yes, I am sorry, you are quite correct. I must have changed that one in my sleep!
  4. R

    Problem using VBA to insert records into a table

    The answer to the first question is no, I didn't change the other SQL string and it has now worked for the last three runs. I don't quite know what happened but it works and I cannot reproduce the fault mentioned earlier, so sleeping dog etc.! I don't know whether you can help on another...
  5. R

    Problem using VBA to insert records into a table

    Goodness, that was quick! Where would I have found that out? The code now runs, and seems to write 6 records (which is correct). When I look at the Duplicate table it has 3 records, with all fields, including the autonumber, set to #Deleted. When I rerun the code again, it warns me that...
  6. R

    Problem using VBA to insert records into a table

    I am getting frustrated at not being able to sort what looks like a simple problem. I am reading through a table looking for duplicate values in the FullName text field. I want to store in a new table the duplicate records I find, storing just the MemberNumber and the FullName. When the VBA code...
  7. R

    Can someone explain hyperlink field type please?

    Using Access 2010, I have a table the contains a field, MembereMail, that is defined as a hyperlink. I imported data from an Excel spreadsheet which looked to be consistent in format and did not realise that anything was wrong until I wrote some VB code to generate personalised emails with...
  8. R

    Problems with email hyperlinks

    I set up a database from an existing Excel table containing email addresses. The database definition of the field was hyperlink. I have written some Visual Basic to produce an email to be sent to all addresses on the database. It's quite complex with personalised attachments. When I ran the...
  9. R

    Email multiple attachments - again!

    Seem to have lost the attachment last time! Private Sub Command0_Click() Dim dbName As Database Dim rst As Recordset Dim zWhere As String Dim zMsgBody As String Dim zEmail As String Dim zFirstname As String Dim zSubject As String Dim zMessage As String...
  10. R

    Email multiple attachments - again!

    This has been covered in several threads, but unless I am missing something not quite in the way I need. I have set up a facility to take a report and filter it to send a page to each group leader listing the students in his group. I first set up a query to generate the list of group leaders and...
  11. R

    Validation of data in a form

    I have the code working after a fashion using the event of 'after tab'. This does assume that the user does actually tab since there is only one more control on the form and this is not relevant to members who have left. When I try to insert the code in other events I get a number of different...
  12. R

    Validation of data in a form

    This is my code: Private Sub Combo546_Exit(Cancel As Integer) If Me.Combo548.Value > 1 And Me.Combo546.Value = 1 Then MsgBox ("You must set member to 'left' before you can specify a reason") Me.Combo548.Value = 1 Me.Combo546.SetFocus End If End Sub Nothing happens! I am not sure...
  13. R

    Validation of data in a form

    Yes, but I want to check whether the entering of a reason code was correct with a message such as "you must change membership status to 'left' before giving a reason" and then setting focus back to the first combobox.
  14. R

    Validation of data in a form

    I am trying to validate data held in two controls on a form. The first control records membership status and is a combobox with 5 values allowed. 1 is 'member' 2 is 'under consideration' 3 is 'left' etc. The combobox displays the description, the underlying table the number 1-5. The second...
  15. R

    eMailing report pages

    On holiday for two weeks so out of contact with my PC! But i managed to achieve what I needed. A single click of a menu item will find all people in the database with an email address and mail out just the page of the report that belongs to them. If you do not succeed with the help from the...
  16. R

    Balanced Scorecard

    I am away from home for a couple of days with only an iPad, so I cannot open up my application. When I looked yesterday, i could not see how to create a 'normal' field control as would be created after binding a form to a table or query. I have used buttons for navigation but I need conventional...
  17. R

    Balanced Scorecard

    Thanks for the reply. I presume that i would need to create an unbound form, which i have for my main menu. On this I placed about 30 buttons and used macros to open the appropriate forms. In my current requirement how do I place an unbound control?
  18. R

    Balanced Scorecard

    Could it be achieved by creating a further table, with just one record, this record holding as many fields as required for the scorecard? These fields would be updated when the form was opened by a large chunk of VBA code. Each field would need an SQL statement to count records according to a...
  19. R

    Balanced Scorecard

    I have about 12 tables in a 2010 database and I want to create a single summary form showing key details of the database. Most of these will be count fields using various subset of the tables e,g. total members, count of new members this year, count of those not attending a meeting etc. More...
  20. R

    Counting yes/no occurances

    Many thanks. That works in query datasheet mode, but when I changed my report to reference the calculated total I just get #Name? I copied my query and added the calculation code - all fine. Works exactly as you said. I copied my report, deleted my database field, deleted all my event...
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