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  1. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    I apologize... I may be overthinking this. I've spent many hours just getting to this point.
  2. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    If I have Master TransactionID connected to Child TransactionID it doesn't create a new transaction. That's why I have Child = TTransID
  3. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    Is the form's Control Source query the wrong place to put this?
  4. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    Maybe I'm not getting you... The subform's Child is TTransID so it automatically gets the mainform ID. The problem I have is the main form does not pick up the subform Child key. I've tried setting it in the query: TTransID: Nz([Me]![subform]![form]![TTransID]) but the form doesn't want to open...
  5. C

    Add new foreign ID to record

    In order to transfer amounts from one account to another I have a subform that's connected Master = TransactionID ; Child = TTransID. So a new record is created with a new fAccountID (combobox). What I can't figure out is how to get the new record ID (orange) into the original TTransID so that...
  6. C

    Error 3159 not a valid bookmark

    Thank you.
  7. C

    Error 3159 not a valid bookmark

    Good Idea. Thanks.
  8. C

    Error 3159 not a valid bookmark

    No, I mean when I click on it after opening the form. When I'm working on various things on the form, move to other records, etc. it works fine. If I click there first, before doing anything else. it errors.
  9. C

    Error 3159 not a valid bookmark

    Private Sub Form_Click() Dim bm As Variant Dim rs As Recordset 10 Set rs = Me.Parent.RecordsetClone 'save the bookmark 20 bm = Me.Bookmark 30 With rs 40 .FindFirst "InvoiceID =" & Me.InvoiceID 50 If Not .NoMatch Then 60 Me.Parent.Bookmark =...
  10. C

    Option group not working

    Sorry! 1-1 was just a typo. I used 1=1!
  11. C

    Option group not working

    WhereCondition:="1-1" Works too! What does that even mean? Thank you for your help.
  12. C

    Option group not working

    FilterOn=False did the trick! Thank you so much!
  13. C

    Option group not working

    It needs to stay open.... I switch between accounts on one form to change the transactions on the other. Same for date. Note the last three lines. Would a requery be required somewhere? I tried one before option 2 but doesn't change the records.
  14. C

    Option group not working

    The selection works fine, just the transactions don't change. I wonder if having no WhereCondition assumes the same as first? How do you say "no WhereCondition"?
  15. C

    Option group not working

    To keep from dragging things down I have a default of choosing only the current year transactions. If I choose Current year, it works If I choose All, it works If I choose Current year after choosing all, it works I cannot choose All after choosing current year. It just keeps returning current...
  16. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    If anyone's interested here's what I did. Works! Alias category ID's with a C in front of the ID and Account ID's with an A. Then trim the letter out when you work with it.
  17. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    Oh neither. I'm just creating a quick expense section for my invoicing. I'm not trying to compete with Intuit but I've been an accountant for years and have used these products so this is the direction my mind goes.
  18. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    Categories are in one table. Accounts are in one table. Do you want your money to go to an expense category? or to an account (transfer)?
  19. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    I can but you'll yell at me. Quicken uses categories to do account transfers. For instance, if i take $200 out of checking and pay a bill and keep the rest as cash, $20 is an expense and $180 is an account transfer. The transfer creates another transaction (out of checking, into cash), so no...
  20. C

    Union Duplicate ID

    I have a combo that picks from one of 2 tables so I use a Union query to combine the choices. However, the primary key on both tables creates duplicate ID's in the bound column of the combo box. How do I know which table is chosen?
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