does it conform to what microsoft said:
it need At Least 1 negative value.
the OP might not be having a negative value (or 0) on the start his data.
from chatgpt:
Function IRR(CashFlows As Variant, Optional Guess As Double = 0.1) As Double
Dim MaxIterations As Integer
Dim Iteration As Integer
Dim Rate As Double
Dim NPV As Double
Dim Derivative As Double
Dim Epsilon As Double
Dim CashFlowSum As Double...
what is the data type of the variable you are assigning the result? double also?
the Initial (first value) to pass to your IRR function should be of Zero (no income yet) or Negative value (initial investment you put to the business).
actually you only need 1 field, [ReceivedDate] and the other is Calculated using a query, use the query as Recordsource of your form.
Select [receivedDate], DateAdd("ww", 1, [receivedDate]) As DeliveryDate From YourTableName;
the query now is filter using:
IIf([Forms]![home11]![Text8]="(All records)",[Nationality],[Forms]![home11]![Text8])
i change the Recordsource of the Text8 combobox, check it out.
added Load Event Macro to the form.
change the filter of your query to:
then you can blank the combobox and press the command button on your form.