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  1. arnelgp

    by reference

    Like I said previously, the Default, implicitly, is Byref. Meaning you did not define in the Sub/Function explicitly Example: Public function fnX(x As Integer) .. .. End Function the variable x there will be implicitly Byref.
  2. arnelgp

    DMax using Listbox not working

    do not add space between the "single quote" character: Me.txtGroupNumber = DMax("AccNumber", "tbl_ChartOfAccounts", "AccName= '" & Me.ListSelectPrimary & "'") + 1 you should also add a "descriptive text" about what this number is, like (in a Label): Me.lblAccount.Caption = "Next Account...
  3. arnelgp

    Single row data query

    test query3.
  4. arnelgp

    Solved Handling of address property in hyperlink fields

    here is the link, post#12.
  5. arnelgp

    Open Unbound form and filter subform

    Form2 is unbound, so Criteria is of no use. you need to set the combox directly: stDocName = "F_SampleFractionRecordsAcc" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName ' set the Form2's combobox [Forms]![F_SampleFractionRecordsAcc]![[FullAccessioncbo]=" & Chr(34) & [FullAccessioncbo] & Chr(34)
  6. arnelgp

    Solved Excel 2007 macro not working in Excel 2024

    maybe the macro is not Enabled?
  7. arnelgp

    Query Does Not Work

    If you have looked at the db the OP has posted, there are only 3 fields involved there: Transaction_Type and Book_Value the other 2 are Calculated field (in the table they are real fields). As with the the current records on the table the Calculated fields are calculated as in post #8. so in...
  8. arnelgp

    Solved Handling of address property in hyperlink fields

    maybe you can find this somewhat similar post helpful on your situation: i posted a db that convert the // to "real" path names (post #10 and #12).
  9. arnelgp

    Query Does Not Work

    imo, you don't need cra_realized_gainloss and cra_settlement_amount. based on your form, they are Calculated based on the calculation you showed on the form, therefore, no need to add extra Calculated field (adjusted). CRA_Realized_GainLoss:IIF(Transaction_Type = "Sold_$"...
  10. arnelgp

    Solved Search across multiple fields

    you can try Saving the Original recordsource of your form on the Form's Load Event: ' Edited to add this Dim m_source As String Private Sub Form_Load() m_source = Replace$(Me.RecordSource, ";", "") End Sub then you can change your code to: Private Sub cmdSearch_Click() Dim strSearch As...
  11. arnelgp

    Query Does Not Work

    as advice use your query as recordsource of your form. adjust the query if wrong calculation.
  12. arnelgp

    Solved Calculation Query

    use Nz() function: SELECT Q1.[Postcode Area], [Q1].[PR1]+[Q1].[Non_PR1] AS Q1_Total, [Q2].[PR1]+[Q2].[Non_PR1] AS Q2_Total, Nz([Q1_TOTAL],0)-Nz([Q2_TOTAL],0) AS Q3 FROM Q1 LEFT JOIN Q2 ON Q1.[Postcode Area] = Q2.[Postcode Area];
  13. arnelgp

    Single row data query

    see Query2. also view the code in Module, basConcatRelated.
  14. arnelgp

    Single row data query

    Allegati_Autorizzazioni table is Linked table so we cannot access it's data. what you can do is make a copy of your FE and on the copy, right click on Allegati_Autorizzazioni linked table and convert it to local table. then post back the copy of your db.
  15. arnelgp

    Help with Separating into Rows

    here is a demo. open MainForm form and press the Split button. copy the code in Module1 and Output table to your db. on your db, replace "YourtableName" on the code with the name of your Table to split.
  16. arnelgp

    Help with Separating into Rows

    create a function that will split the Data then save the result in a Temporary table.
  17. arnelgp

    Penalties applied according to a table

    at the moment, I can only think of VBA and Temp table to accomplish this.
  18. arnelgp

    Penalties applied according to a table

    i am using Temp table (Computed) for output. see the (long) VBA code on Module1. Open form1 for the result (or Query1).
  19. arnelgp

    Again, query where dealing with empty fields

    here is a demo with a function as criteria on Query1. open Module1 in vba and see the code. Open Form1 and enter any value on unbound textbox and press the filter/unfilter button. erase the content of the textbox and press the filter/unfilter button
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