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  1. MsAccessNL

    Sendkeys makes Numlock Toggle in RunCode Module

    It's a litte bit better. When numlock is on it stays on (it seems), but when numlock is off it turns back on (thats oke) but the run after it turns back off. I noticed that the CheckNumLock code is ready before the Sendkeys are executed. May be there is an order of excecuting code. First the...
  2. MsAccessNL

    Sendkeys makes Numlock Toggle in RunCode Module

    Tried it , same outcome...
  3. MsAccessNL

    Sendkeys makes Numlock Toggle in RunCode Module

    I have this Runcode module that i use a lot with coding. You can run a private event in the vbe editor. It only toggle the Numlock on and off. I tried a lot (with the code from this forum). I narrowed the problem down. The CheckNumlock function works, stand alone, but in the code beneath it...
  4. MsAccessNL

    Solved Copy and paste telephone numbers.

    For who is interested, the GetNumber function: Public Function GetNumber(sNumber As String) As String Dim s As String, sTemp As String Dim i As Integer 'x = " (212)-555-12.12) " For i = 1 To Len(sNumber) sTemp = Mid(sNumber, i, 1) If IsNumeric(sTemp) Then s = s &...
  5. MsAccessNL

    Solved Copy and paste telephone numbers.

    Great that you solved your problem! You inspired me to turn your code into a general character remove function: sRemove can hold any length of characters like ("_,@,%") Public Function MyRemover(sInput As String, sRemove As String) As String Dim i As Integer, s As String Dim aVal As...
  6. MsAccessNL

    Passing Variable from Form to Query using Click on Label Caption

    if you are going to use the pagename for your tempvars, you probaly can use: Tempvars!pagename = Label19.Caption & ".jpg" or just ..pagename= "xxxx.jpg" or put the name in the tag property of the label: ...pagename = Label19.Tag or replace the labels with buttons now you can use: ...pagename =...
  7. MsAccessNL

    Linking to multiple CSV files and renaming tables without ".CSV"

    You can also import textfiles with SQL directly, may be it can shorten your code ( i love short codes). SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM [Text;HDR=Yes;FMT=Delimited;Database=C:\Users\Daniel\Documents\Test].TestFile.txt
  8. MsAccessNL

    Help in refreshing/repainting a form and passing updated data to another form

    Hello Majp, A small side question. How do i get my table/query headers look like yours with the color and the blue line. Or is this a continuous form?
  9. MsAccessNL

    How to contact the administrator

    it's solved by the Docman, there was an ,outcommented, url link in the code.
  10. MsAccessNL

    Best help for depression

    that’s definitely step 1, don’t watch the news! Why? When you are depressed you are living in a survival state, your body is in a constant state of fear. Adrenaline and cortisol are ruling your world. Now your subconscious thinks that everything and everybody is a danger, even your own family...
  11. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    There are alse versions of Excel where you can read pdf with Power Query...
  12. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    I got a similar problem with stack overflow, i can't post anything any more. Do you have any tips?
  13. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    Thnx DocMan, or Superman! There was (outcommented) url in the code. Really happy with your quick reply!
  14. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    Sub PdfToText(sPdfName As String) 'Convert PDF to text mbv xpdfTool has a number of translate Options Dim sOption As String sOption = "-simple" '"-lineprinter" '"-layout" Shell "E:\Documenten\XpdfReader\xpdf-tools4.02\bin32\pdftotext.exe " & sOption & " " &...
  15. MsAccessNL

    How to contact the administrator

    Hello Jon, I have problems posting code. I get a warning about spam. The same happened to me at stack overflow. I have a feeling that is something to do with my language settings. almost everything i type at the moment gets a red underscore. I am from Holland, but most of my program settings...
  16. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    I have problems posting code, i get a warning about spam..
  17. MsAccessNL

    jpeg to bit map

    Try Flle:Options:Current Databse:Application Options>picture Property Storage Format:reserve source image format now my 2010 db accepts other formats
  18. MsAccessNL

    Convert PDF to Doc

    I used a free tool called xpdfreader. I can give you a copy if you can't download it.
  19. MsAccessNL

    Introduction Daniel Sanders

    Hello guys, A short intro about myself. I am a freelance vba developper from Amsterdam the Netherlands. I love to solve problems and i love to learn new things. I hope to achieve both on this forum, where a lot of knowledge has been shared over the years. Thanks for letting me join. Daniel...
  20. MsAccessNL


    Sorry beginners error, i tried to delete this post,but didn't succeed...
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