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  1. MsAccessNL

    A problem occurred while Microsoft Access was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX control

    I didn’t read your whole post. I had an error once, which I couldn’t solve. I found a way to trap the error.
  2. MsAccessNL

    How to display a Word document in Access

    You can show a word document in an Ole object control. There are posts about this being a bad idea, but a client of mine is working with iit for several years now, without problems. May be the control gave problems in the older Access versions?
  3. MsAccessNL

    Report Creation from Microsoft Excel

    I have code to transforn an excel sheet/selection ino a report. Post your file and I can see if it works on your sheet.
  4. MsAccessNL

    Attendance tracker

    I get this error on opening, i think it's the language setting. "mrt" is short for March in Dutch. What would be a quick fix, without using the windows language settings? May be using month numbers?
  5. MsAccessNL

    Hide a field in Subform (Datasheet) form based on Form Value

    Alternatively, you could make two datasheet forms. You can load it in the subform control with SubformcontrolName.SourceObject = ".."
  6. MsAccessNL

    Show a form inside a datasheet, yes it's possible!

    I got 2010, i will check it in 365 runtime.
  7. MsAccessNL

    Show a form inside a datasheet, yes it's possible!

    You can insert any form you want. It can also be a continuous form, another table or Query. It's not necessary that the table or query is linked to the main datasheet table/query. Make a datasheet form (i used the wizard for this test) You select the controls in design view, right click select...
  8. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

  9. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    Hello Edgar, Good news here. I discovered how the linked datasheet has been made! In the picture you see to table in one datasheet who are not linked to each other and this is made in a form. This is not a table view!. The trick is, that they use the tabbed layout control for the...
  10. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    Thank you Edgar, your time and effort, it’s very much appreciated! The only problem with your solution is that the rowheight of the subform/subdatsheet is now (also) larger. I was looking for a way to make only the subformcontrol larger. Like with SubdatasheetHeight, but that is only usefull to...
  11. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    I don't think you get the essence of this post. A table isn't a table, it's a form. Properties of a form are not activated if the form isn't opened. Like in Sql server. You Create a table and then you can have a view of the table. We can better use the name TableView instead of Table.
  12. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    I believe this is no longer true, based on the info of this post. The subdatasheet is only activated when you open the Table (we can now call it a Table form).I presume that most applications don't work with the table view. The data in a used form is not comming from the Table, but from...
  13. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    screen.ActiveDatasheet.SubdatasheetHeight = 300 Works to make the height smaller, but you can't make it bigger then the original Height. It's interesting that you can get a subform into a datasheet form, but not into the detail section of a continuous form..
  14. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    I understand, but the (linked) table datasheet is showing individual row Heights. So it’s possible. I am trying to find A way to get this done. Like the position of a textbox in a continuous form, a lot of people are saying (for many years) that you can’t determine this, but it’s just one of...
  15. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    Thanks Edgar, that’s exactly what i wanted to know, if i could trigger an event directly on the table. When the table is linked and you exppand the subdatasheet, the rowsize of that particular row is made larger. (Click on the + sign in your activities table) .Can you see/find a property with...
  16. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    I adjusted the post, to make the question a clearer.
  17. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    The question is, is the table you are seeing on your screen in reality a datasheet form?
  18. MsAccessNL

    Solved Is the Table you see in Access a Datasheet Form? Yes.

    If I open a table and type in the immediate window: ?, i get the Table name. The next step was to get all the properties of this table/form and if i could manipulate them. It appeared to work. So my question to the experts on this forum. Is a table view in reality...
  19. MsAccessNL

    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    I am also working on a Project-TaskMailer app and I encountered the same problem with the EntryId. I read somewhere that it changes when you move the email to another folder (i didn’t check it yet). I was thinking about putting an id from access into one of the custom email properties fields. I...
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