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  1. MsAccessNL

    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    Thanx for sharing the info, good to know. Also curious to your solution.
  2. MsAccessNL

    VBA Outlook SQL problem

    LastModificationtime works with a pound sign, i only tried it with date not with time.. SearchTime = #..........# strFilter = "[LastModificationTime] >= """ & searchtime & """" 'or try [CreationTime]
  3. MsAccessNL

    Access 2021 Runtime

    I have 365 runtime installed next to Access 2010 and office 2013. The strange thing is that office 365 shows as office runtime 2016 on the form installed apps config. I have to rightclick on a db when I want to open it for n runtime 365. No other db should be open in 2010 at that moment...
  4. MsAccessNL

    Access 2021 Runtime

    I recently downloaded 365 runtime. It’s with the new webview2 control. I am curious if the new edge control is also in 2021 version?
  5. MsAccessNL

    Solved Office 2021 - Outlook Calendar event replication

    Does Access 21 contain the webview2 control?
  6. MsAccessNL

    Using FTP

    Every user only updates his/het local databse. One drive is only holds small textfiles with edited data. so you can map one drive with ftp?
  7. MsAccessNL

    Using FTP

    How did you solve the new ID problem when entering a new record?
  8. MsAccessNL

    Using FTP

    That’s correct. Short name + date/time suffix. The file with latest date get imported first. I think it would also be a great sollution for big databases which are becoming slow over the internet. Having the main data stored locally and only transport the transaction. I started to make the test...
  9. MsAccessNL

    Using FTP

    I made a testdb with syncing edited data over onedrive. Every record update is written to a small text file. The idea is to work with seperate databases and only transfer the changed data. I found a need trick to overcome the ID number problem when entering a new record. The nice thing about...
  10. MsAccessNL

    Create Navigation Pane or ListView to be used in Runtime Version

    The short question is. How Can I replicate the Navigation pane.Especially the color when you hoover over an object. I want to use this in the access Runtime Version.
  11. MsAccessNL

    Create Navigation Pane or ListView to be used in Runtime Version

    I got this "little" issue. I am working with Access 2010 and i wanted to test the New Webview2 control. So I downloaded the webview db from Daniel's and installed the Access365 runtime on my pc (seems to work next to 2010). I mist the navigation pane to open the several forms quickly...
  12. MsAccessNL

    Hello all, newby from Amsterdam here with an ACCDE security quest

    I don’t mind to check my hack skils.
  13. MsAccessNL

    Optimising Routes

    Excel has also a “solver” where you can run (algorithms. I can take a look if i can adopt my courier algorithm, but then i have to know all your restraints. They are not totally clear to me. Tip: I reversed engineered a lot of shortest path code from JavaScript into vba. I didn’t knew at that...
  14. MsAccessNL

    Hide extra data in continuous form rows

    You can use a Temp table as recordsource of the form. Load your query in a recordset and Loop the recordset to put the values in the Temp table, the double days are replaced with a null string. I can give you the code if it’s to difficult. I think it’s also possible with sql, i have to check my...
  15. MsAccessNL

    Hide extra data in continuous form rows

    Do you mean, Monday followed by 3 empty days and then Tuesday followedby 1 empty day?
  16. MsAccessNL

    Optimising Routes

    I have made a shortest route dispatch system for a courier business in Amsterdam. Solving the traveling salesman problem with vba and the googe api, took my a lot of time, but was really fun making it. For me it is still not clear what your business is doing. (I have not read all the posts). Is...
  17. MsAccessNL

    Help filling in a web form from access.

    Sorry didn’t see the other post.
  18. MsAccessNL

    Help filling in a web form from access.

    Did you try right click > inspect to see all the html elements. You need a htmlElement.Tagname or elementid to tefer to the specific inputbox.
  19. MsAccessNL

    Open pop up form at mouse cursor position

    I have used the absolute postion times the the detailheigth (in designform) to set the Form.Top of the popup form (if the Mainform is a continuous form). But i don't think it will work correct with scrolling. You could put the continuous form on a Mainform and stretch the anchor of the...
  20. MsAccessNL

    Looking VBA Winsock/JSON Consultant

    I might be interested, if you have some more info?
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