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  1. theDBguy

    autobackup database

    Hi Bryan, Try to do a Debug.Print destPath, so you can see what folder path you're trying to create. If it's a full path, I am not sure MKDIR can do that, but I could be wrong though. Cheers! PS. I just did a quick test. MKDIR cannot make a subfolder if the parent folder does not exist. You'll...
  2. theDBguy

    Solved Using a Does Not Contain Criteria in an IIf Statement

    Can you post your query's SQL statement? Thanks.
  3. theDBguy

    Solved Simple Filter Not Finding Records

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  4. theDBguy

    Solved Simple Filter Not Finding Records

    What is the data type of the field?
  5. theDBguy

    Hi from Australia

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  6. theDBguy

    Printing specified numbers of labels

    Tally tables have a lot of use in a database, so you will hear it mentioned a lot. Good luck with your project.
  7. theDBguy

    Printing specified numbers of labels

    I would use a Tally table that contains sequential numbers and then use a cartesian join query to produce the number of labels/records you need. For example: SELECT ClientName, Address FROM TableName, TallyTable WHERE TallyTable.Seq <= 5
  8. theDBguy

    Solved Left or Mid?

    That probably means there is a space before the single digit numbers. If so, try it this way. Trim(Mid([FieldName],InStr([FieldName], ". " + 2)))
  9. theDBguy

    Solved Left or Mid?

    Yes, I would use a combination of both. For example: Trim(Mid([FieldName],InStr([FieldName], " ")))
  10. theDBguy

    Open Unbound form and filter subform

    I just have to ask, why are you using an unbound form to view records?
  11. theDBguy

    Advice needed please. Importing Sharepoint Text file into List and Deleting previous days data

    Just thinking out loud but couldn't you use a flow to read the text file directly into the sql server? Why do you need a list in between?
  12. theDBguy

    How to programmatically change the currently selected row in a continuous form / listbox

    Try it like I said, add a new combobox to your form using the wizard and select the third option. Then, look at the code it creates and apply it to your situation. That's exactly the technique used by the combobox wizard.
  13. theDBguy

    Can not work on 64 bit

    Yes, Access 2016 can be either 32- or 64-bit. Since you got a new computer, Access may have been installed as 64-bit by default. If so, you should be able to reinstall it and specifically choose 32-bit this time.
  14. theDBguy

    Can not work on 64 bit

    Hi Frank. You can simply reinstall Access as 32-bit.
  15. theDBguy

    How to programmatically change the currently selected row in a continuous form / listbox

    Yes, it should. As you said, that's not advisable, so they would be limiting themselves if they use that approach You can see this problem come up when people use a non-unique bound column where they wonder why the value goes back to the first item when they were clearly selecting the second...
  16. theDBguy

    How to programmatically change the currently selected row in a continuous form / listbox

    Hi. I think it's possible for both scenarios, but they would require different approaches. For example, if the listbox is not a multi-select listbox, you could simply assign the new record to the bound value of the listbox. And for continuous forms, you will have to "navigate" the form to the...
  17. theDBguy

    Again, query where dealing with empty fields

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  18. theDBguy

    Access 2007 connecting to Outlook 2007 through gmail server

    I think maybe your problem is not with Access but with GMail. If it was just Outlook, you can use CDO as a replacement.
  19. theDBguy

    Again, query where dealing with empty fields

    You could try: WHERE (Fieldname Like '*' & searchbox '*' And Fieldname Is Not Null) Or searchbox Is Null
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