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  1. theDBguy

    Solved Handling of address property in hyperlink fields

    I believe you might be able to get the absolute path if you change the base url property to something like file://
  2. theDBguy

    Hello, fellow relational people!

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  3. theDBguy

    Again, query where dealing with empty fields

    Unfortunately, the "Like" operator ignore null values. To include them, you'll have to use something like: Like "something" AND FieldName Is Not Null
  4. theDBguy

    New Member Here

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  5. theDBguy

    Hello from Germany

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  6. theDBguy

    How to see the UN and PC Name of locked Records

    Does the code you found examines the LACCDB file to get the user info?
  7. theDBguy

    Hi I'm new here

    Hi. Welcome to AWF!
  8. theDBguy

    Question Re: Modal Dialog form

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  9. theDBguy

    Question Re: Modal Dialog form

    Go to the Properties Window of the Form while in Design View and select Yes for Popup and No to Modal.
  10. theDBguy

    Question Re: Modal Dialog form

    Perhaps you didn't mean to create a Modal form. Try using a Popup form instead.
  11. theDBguy

    Solved Controlling ScrollBars on a subform

    I think that's normal behavior that scrollbars don't show up until the control with large content gets the focus (you could check this by simply tabbing to the subform, instead of clicking on it). If you want the scrollbars to constantly show, you may have to use an API for that.
  12. theDBguy

    32 bit Access vs 64 bit Access - HELLLLLP!!!!

    I was actually going to ask about this. Are they paying clients? Just curious why you were giving them a ACCDE product, if they paid for a custom application. If you can give them a ACCDB version, they can easily find out if it will work as-is for them or not.
  13. theDBguy

    Problem running SQL from a form

    Glad to hear you got it sorted out. Good luck with your project.
  14. theDBguy

    Problem running SQL from a form

    What error were you getting? I think the RunSQL method only applies to action queries (Append, Delete, etc.) It looks like you're trying to run a Select query though.
  15. theDBguy

    VBA doubts

    Here's some blurb about it.
  16. theDBguy

    Interface between Access 365 with Calendar in 365 Business

    You will have to loop through each appointment and examine its contents. Or, maybe you could try to link to each calendar, so you can use a query.
  17. theDBguy

    Textbox used to specify delimiter, can't use space in procedure

    Oh, I just thought of another possible approach. Perhaps you could ask the user to enclose the delimiter in quotes and just trim them out in your code? Just thinking out loud...
  18. theDBguy

    Textbox used to specify delimiter, can't use space in procedure

    Hi. Welcome to AWF! I think that's happening because Access is maybe cleaning up the empty Textbox before it uses it. If you want to use a space, one possible approach is to use a Combobox. That may work, but it may not be an acceptable solution. The only other approach I could think of is to...
  19. theDBguy

    Counting specific numbers in textbox of two or more rows , (no duplicates)

    Hi. Welcome to AWF! Perhaps you can attach an Excel file with sample data and the results you want?
  20. theDBguy

    Interface between Access 365 with Calendar in 365 Business

    You're welcome. Good luck with your project.
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