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    Strange Gremlin in Search Field

    Private Sub SearchFor_Change() 'Create a string (text) variable Dim vSearchString As String 'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor vSearchString = "" & SearchFor.Text

    Strange Gremlin in Search Field

    ''with this code , it works ''''Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor searchstring = "" & Search For.Text ''at the same time - does not work normally 'Populate the string variable with the text entered in the Text Box SearchFor searchstring = "" &...

    A Better Solution to Cascading Comboxes?

    therefore, in such cases, I do not use a standard formulation, but a subordinate form with an independent search for any part of the name otherwise, how to find a capacitor of size 15 out of 1500 candidates in different categories or a loop from 100 to 120 out of 970 possible the dimensions...

    Solved How to obtain the value of the first column in report?

    the report does not use query sorting, so you need to 1- set sorting by data/time field on the grouping button 2 the result in the PP inscription uses the data of the first page entry, the code is in the figure, specially made 2 pages of the event - formatting the header

    Strange Gremlin in Search Field

    I meant the event Private Sub ShipRegion_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Dim strCharacter As String ' Convert ANSI value to character string. str Character = Chr(KeyAscii) ' ' ' ' Convert character to upper case, then to ANSI value. KeyAscii = Asc(UCase(strCharacter)) End Sub

    Strange Gremlin in Search Field

    whatever the code is - why is there only one letter, what is it guilty of, there may be a handler for the characters being entered

    Null Value Query

    I prefer more readable field names (with underscores and without other delimiters such as spaces, dots, commas, brackets) Review_date Submitted_date Approved_date Completed_date

    Solved Grouped ranking

    main query stream Student ID student name years gradedesc term Sum of mark Avg- Mark Class Rank Stream Rank Class Rank2 avg Stream Rank2 avg WEST 83 MERCY CHEBET 2022 FORM 1 Term 1 260 65 2 2 1 1 WEST 9 SHEILA CHEBET ISAAC 2022 FORM 1 Term 1 180 60 3 4 2 2 WEST 23 GILBERT KIPKOECH 2022...

    Solved Grouped ranking

    I didn't really understand how LASTEXAMS TOTAL MARKS differs from TOTAL MARKS
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Conditional Formatting for Blank Date Field Not Working

    I prefer pre_installation_inspection_date-much more readable and without spaces, otherwise square brackets will be needed
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Running a Recordset loop function on a subform that cant go to the next line.

    without an example of the base, I didn't really understand what you want to do Private Sub OrderType_AfterUpdate() Dim TmpTxtHeading As String Dim NewTxtHeading As String dim s1 ''''''''''''''''correct Dim rst As dao.Recordset '''''''''''''''' Set rst =...
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Run-time error '3075' (syntax error- missing operator)

    dim s1 s1= DLookup("[HasAccess]", _ "tUserAccess", _ "[UserAccessID]= " & TempVars("UserType") & " AND [FormName]='" & Me.Name & "'") if isnull(s1) or s1=false then MsgBox "You dont have access! " DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name End If
  13. SHANEMAC51

    query multiple unrelated tables

    21mb is not much, the archive will probably be less than 7 MB, it seems to be allowed by the forum
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Help with bookstore db

    the main thing in your task is filters by faculty, semester, group, subject, price list, publisher,.... they will help you view the information and it is on the selection that you will issue reports until you have laid out an example of the database, and the database, even in a draft version...
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Multiple options on one field

    sorry that I borrowed your table , the list is not the only solution, it is quite possible to do with a field, especially if the list is long, it will be difficult to see the choice in it I offer an example based on a field with a value of 0 2-4 -5 6-7 9, in which 0 show fields with no...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Search terms for not-commented debug clean-up

    the simplest option is via find/replace for the project find debug.print replace 'debug.print in the whole project
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Solved How to Create a Running Total Sum Query in Microsoft Access

    I removed the column signatures, so it's clearer to me
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Open a form whose name is in a combobox on a form

    Apparently you made a mistake with the name of the form - all spaces and quotes/apostrophes work fine Private Sub combobox1_Click() Dim s1 s1 = Me.combobox1 & "" If Len(s1) > 0 Then DoCmd.OpenForm s1, acNormal End If End Sub
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Open a form whose name is in a combobox on a form

    try try DoCmd.OpenForm """" & Location & """"
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved How to Create a Running Total Sum Query in Microsoft Access

    SELECT TblHeadk.Nz, TblHeadk.da, TblGL.AccId, TblGL.AccName, TblGL.cer3, TblGL.deb3, TblGL.des3, DateDiff("d",[Da],Date()) AS InvoiceAging, nz([deb3],0)-nz(TblGL.cer3,0) AS m00, IIf([InvoiceAging] Between 1 And 30,[deb3],0) AS [1-30], IIf([InvoiceAging] Between 31 And 60,[deb3],0) AS...
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