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    Integrate Word mail merge in MS Access

    for example: we have a label (address) in it you can enter not only the full address, but also a partial one, and there will be no extra commas mrepl "(address)", ("," +country) & ("," +city) & ("," +street) Option Explicit Public app As Object ' Word.Application Public strAppPath As Stream...

    Integrate Word mail merge in MS Access

    because of all these problems with merging - I use the WORD bookmark filling from the code that is located along with the data table in ACCESS/EXCEL of course, there are problems in this approach, but they are more solvable additionally , the code is embedded 1 - data filtering 2 - data...

    "The Text is too long to be edited"

    at any time, you can get ACCESS restrictions on the number of nested IIF - you already have 10 of the allowed 14 name replacements made to improve readability iif((FC="460" OR FC="610" OR FC="620") AND (C="Alumni"),'450440', iif((FC="460" OR FC="610" OR FC="620") AND (C="Parent" OR...

    Loop through controls Ms Access 365

    if cnt.controltype=actextbox then

    Solved Mass Update Calculated fields

    personally, I declare such fields as normal, setting their type and size in the table these fields are filled in in the input form, taking into account all the nuances and features in the simplest cases, recalculation by request is possible, for example, amount=price*quantity in other forms...

    Solved I am trying to use Left function but I could not find my desired output.

    this is only possible if it is a wildcard field

    Should work but doesn't

    maybe there is a quotation mark or an apostrophe in the comment

    Sort Button Order on form (the actual buttons themselves)

    I would probably use a list instead of buttons, which I would update depending on the necessary processing or even a table with 4 fields (id, product type, check mark for completion, name of the form to open)

    Solved Insert Into Select not working in VBA

    in 25 years of working with access, I have not met such a person - 3 tables in Cartesian product - and 4th levels of attachment form of course, up to 7 attachments are allowed, but why such difficulties ...."FROM Tbl_Grs_Face_Analysis, Tbl_Grs_Raw_Material_Analysis_Weathered_Faces...
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Best ERD Design Approach

    in the example, I did not set out to remove substitutions or arrange everything with macros - my task was to show an approach to solving the problem through the subordination TREE, combining 5 tables into one + navigation through the levels forward and backward (this is served by clicking on the...
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Best ERD Design Approach

    и, конечно же, фильтрация/поиск по части значения или интервала (для дат) в любой комбинации полей фильтрации T.[ztype], T.[zName], T.[zEmail], T.[zPhone], T.[zFax] A.AssignStartDate, A.AssignEndDate, A.AssignextEndedDate, A.MainJob, A.AssignedJob например -секретари + 2022 -меры по защите...
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Best ERD Design Approach

    Option Compare Database Option Explicit Dim s1, s2, mtype As Long, mtypek As Long Private Sub zcode_Click() mtype = Nz(Me.zcode, 1) s1 = "zkuda=0 or zkuda=" & mtype & " or zcode=" & mtype Me.Filter = s1 Me.FilterOn = True End Sub Private Sub zkuda_Click() mtypek = Nz(Me.zkuda, mtype) s1 =...
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Best ERD Design Approach

    I have it with a (simple) code for navigation, I didn't bother with macros
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Best ERD Design Approach

    based on your task -i would make 2 main tables 1-tree = organization+ department+ department+ sector+ employees 2- events linked to any node of the tree
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Multiple condition in access query builder

    this is unlikely to work in Selected: (IIf([Rtrd_EdrDate]=[Tret_DateFrom],"First Return") Or IIf([Rtrd_Status]="21","Possible Final Return") Or IIf([Box5]<-900000,"Above Upper Limit")) try another way (1-14 attachment levels) Selected: IIf([Rtrd_EdrDate]=[Tret_DateFrom],"First Return"...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Record status

    SELECT [Registration], count([Sequence]) AS [wcount], iif(Sum([Approved] ='yes')=-wcount,"yes","no") AS wapp, iif(Sum([CS Raised]='yes')=-wcount,"yes","no") AS wcs, iif(Sum([Rectified]='yes')=-wcount,"yes","no") AS wrec, iif(Sum([Deferred] ='no') =-wcount,"yes","no") AS wdef FROM [Daw Status...
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Syntax error from clause

    Private Sub cmdAllAthletes_Click() Dim s1 As String s1 = "" s1 = s1 & "INSERT INTO Tbl_CourseAttendances " s1 = s1 & "(courseID, CourseDate, athleteID) " s1 = s1 & " SELECT athleteID, " & Parent.[CourseID] & ", " s1 = s1 & Format(Parent.[CourseDate], "\#yyyy\/mm\/dd\#") ''''error s1 = s1 & "...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Solved loop without do

    Do While Not rs2.EOF For j = LBound(MYarray) To UBound(MYarray) If rs2.Fields("ISSUE").Value = MYarray(j) Then store = store & "," & rs2.Fields("ENGINEER").Value Else End If next j rs2.MoveNext Loop ''some actions with a variable debug.print store
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Solved How to combine two option group to filter listbox

    Private Sub Frame155_AfterUpdate() f_search end sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Private Sub Frame173_AfterUpdate() f_search end sub ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' sub f_search() dim s1,s2 s1="" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' If Frame155 = 2 Then s1=s1 & " and...
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved How to combine two option group to filter listbox

    Private Sub Frame155_AfterUpdate() dim s1,s2 s1="" If Frame155 = 2 Then s1=s1 & " and Query1.[Status]= 'Approved'" ElseIf Frame155 = 3 Then s1=s1 & " and query1.[Status]= 'Pending'" end if If Frame173 = 2 Then s1=s1 & " and Query1.[Dateorder]>=Date()-180" ElseIf Frame173 = 3 Then...
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