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    A/S ouvrir une base de donné accdb verrouillée par mot de passe

    they punished themselves - it serves you right

    Pull data from open form for report

    I hope I didn't make a mistake in the brackets =[Forms]![frm_WeeklySafetyHuddle]![cboEmployee1].[column](2) &(", " +[Forms]![frm_WeeklySafetyHuddle]![cboEmployee2].[column](2)) &(", " +[Forms]![frm_WeeklySafetyHuddle]![cboEmployee3].[column](2)) &(", "...

    formula to long?

    the iif function allows you to have only 14 levels of occurrence, so implement 28 levels through a custom function on vba although it is possible to divide 28 levels into 3 parts (2 may not be enough) and make a double attachment

    Adding a search box to a report in order to open new report

    This is one of your databases – a form for filtering by 10 fields (highlighted in green) or you can add a checkbox to select Yellow entries should be protected from accidental correction When you click on the orange field – a detailed (full) display in the form of the selected record Send only...

    search criteria on subform

    for the subordinate form, these lines will change 'Finally, apply the string as the form's Filter. Me.Filter = strWhere Me.FilterOn = True

    search criteria on subform

    I did not find a subordinate form, you simply do not have it, there are not even subordinate tables

    search criteria on subform

    your first base is working, but I fixed it a little so that I couldn't find the value of the subordinate form

    search criteria on subform

    Private Sub cmdFilter_Click() 'Purpose: Build up the criteria string form the non-blank search boxes, and apply to the form's Filter. 'Notes: 1. We tack " AND " on the end of each condition so you can easily add more search boxes; _ we remove the trailing "...

    Can you colorize debug text in the Immediate Window?

    apparently, it would form a text engine in HTML format for viewing in a browser
  10. SHANEMAC51

    How to find a number exactly in string

    I would probably reduce the number of quotes by simplifying the expression SELECT ",2,4,7,16,27,35," AS Chuoi, IIf(InStr([Chuoi],"," & Val([C1]) & ",") >0,[C1],Null) AS A1, IIf(InStr([Chuoi],"," & Val([C2]) & ",") >0,[C2],Null) AS A2, IIf(InStr([Chuoi],"," & Val([C3]) & ",") >0,[C3],Null) AS...
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Why is using GoTo considered bad practice?

    I can't even remember when and in what program I used goSub, apparently in fortran in 1980, I definitely didn't use it in ms access I think goSub unloads the main part of the code from unnecessary details, but for other parameter values, you will have to write a new goSub the function does...
  12. SHANEMAC51


    an incomprehensible approach to the CONTACTS task , instead of filtering by last name, first name, job, phone code/ number, maybe you used a page view by note
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Why is using GoTo considered bad practice?

    many years ago, when I was a young specialist, I was given a task to understand the program , it was spaghetti 20+ pages of 72 lines, which means more than 1500 lines - absolutely uninformative variable names like a1,a2,.....k1,k2 - in addition to the usual labels, there were a lot of...
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Why is using GoTo considered bad practice?

    I usually design such a code a little differently - 4 lines per search field, and any combination of fields, for numeric fields and date fields of the beginning / end of the period, there are small changes in the code (there are no quotes or there are #) moreover, only one boundary of the...
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Contact Management Database (Template)

    of course, these expressions are very useful, but they are very beloved and very difficult to write, especially for a beginner when creating a query even for analysis (error search), I often translate it into a structured view File As: IIf(IsNull([Last Name]), IIf(IsNull([First...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Open Notepad and Find/Replace

    symbol 26(1A) It is put in place of characters whose values were lost during transmission. In CP/M and MS-DOS, it was used to indicate the end of text files and the end of data entered from the console (although the characters ^C and ^D were intended for this).
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Running SQL statement from within a function called from a query

    это как раз то, что ближе, чем 10 км по этому берегу реки или на другом берегу, прямо напротив, по прямой 100 метров, только вот мост через реку в 20 км
  18. SHANEMAC51


    cross queries are different the following type is both sorted and selected TRANSFORM Count(Students.[ID]) AS [Count-ID] SELECT Students.[STREAM], Count(Students.[ID]) AS total FROM Students GROUP BY Students.[STREAM] PIVOT year([Birth Date]) in (2000,2001,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008); SELECT TOP...
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Access and Ms Word Integration

    apparently this is a variable tabular part of the contract and therefore the merge is not applied - only one of the 20+ software options
  20. SHANEMAC51

    open an access report filtered from a form

    dim strWhere as string strWhere = .....
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