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    Solved Cannot find the data?

    in such forms, I search for an arbitrary combination of the main fields (department, cabin,service number, surname, first name, position, city, ........- for all the main fields of the table / query), I highlight them in a ribbon (tabular) form for visual final selection when you click on the...

    Query with numbers from T1 to Tmax

    renamed RAR archive NgayTmaxT1T2T3T4NgayT1T2T3T4 10-окт-2163221310-окт-213252629 13-окт-212320143210-окт-214262730 15-окт-215584310-окт-215272831 17-окт-219489110-окт-216282932 20-окт-2155424713-окт-2120343739 22-окт-215321313-окт-2121353840 24-окт-2176232113-окт-2122363941...

    Solved Small issue to get the field value using VBA

    Public Sub Reset() Dim txtCID As Variant 'txtCID.Value txtCID = AutoNumberReturn("tbl_Customer", "CID") Me.CustomerID.Value = AutoNumberReturn("tbl_Customer", "CID") MsgBox Me.CustomerID.Value & " or " & txtCID End Sub

    Query: Theory of Operation question.


    Query: Theory of Operation question.

    it seems like all the brackets are in place with pseudocode it can be written like this NULL means the field is empty, not filled in If [Last Name]=null then If [First Name]=null then kupfile=[Company] else kupfile=[First Name] else If [First Name]=null then...

    Issue doing update queries over local network

    you have blocked the output of warnings, so you do not know the result of the request

    how to create multilevel subfolder and transfer the files to the last subfolder

    Private Sub cmdFolder2_Click() Dim sPath As String sPath = Environ$("UserProfile") & "\documents\test" & Format(Now(), "yyyy_mm_dd_hh_nn_ss") forceMKDir (sPath) End Sub Public Function forceMKDir(ByVal sPath As String) Dim v As Variant Dim s As String Dim i As Integer...

    how to create multilevel subfolder and transfer the files to the last subfolder

    Private Sub cmdFolder_Click() Dim sPath As String, d1 d1 = Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh-nn-ss") d1 = Replace(d1, ":", "_") d1 = Replace(d1, ".", "_") d1 = Replace(d1, "\", "_") sPath = "c:\This PC3\Documents\Test" & d1 forceMKDir (sPath) '' start1 '''' c:\This...

    Quicken into Check Register

    apparently the program would split your table into 2, adding fields for communication the names of the fields are conditional, since I do not know the real ones
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

    en: I always debug in a regular macro, which is easily translated into code for verification the difference with you is the name in quotation marks with me - through an exclamation mark ! ru: я всегда отлаживаю в обычном макросе, который легко переводится в код для проверки отличие у вас -...
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    in Greek there should be only data and TEXT on buttons and label
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    Forms with filters do not open, apparently Greek letters in the names of controls affect additionally, this is affected by the fact that subordinate forms are filtered through direct access to the fields of the main form (with Greek characters), in which the selection conditions are entered it...
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    the main thing that is practically necessary in such databases is the names of objects (tables, forms, reports, queries, fields) 1 english name - preferably 2 or at least the English transcription moreover, without spaces and other separators, only the underscore character is allowed, for...
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

    Function MACRO21() With CodeContextObject DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal If (.MeetingByMember = True) Then Forms!MainForm.RecordSource = "MeetingsByMemberQ" Else Forms!MainForm.RecordSource = "AllMeetingsQ" End...
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Filtered Meetings Query By Members

    'converting an embedded macro into code shows that the macro is incorrect '------------------------------------------------------------ Function macro1() On Error GoTo macro1_Err With CodeContextObject DoCmd.OpenForm "MainForm", acNormal, "", "", , acNormal If...
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Max Date with Value List Criteria

    SELECT Medic, Max( [Flight Date]) AS [LastFlight], [Medic Activities] FROM [Flight Card] WHERE [Medic Activities].Value = "1" GROUP BY Medic union all SELECT Medic, Max( [Flight Date]) AS [LastFlight], [Medic Activities] FROM [Flight Card] WHERE [Medic Activities].Value = "2" GROUP BY...
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Max Date with Value List Criteria

    your query uses 1 table, but at least 3 of them should be penalized, not counting directories 1 flights(code, date, route, reason for flight) 2 flight+ people(code, flight code, person code, person position) 3 useful human activity(code,code flights+ people, activities, what additions) with...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    PERHAPS IT IS ENOUGH TO FIX ONLY the CODE I will try on the source base, without my other fixes
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    I didn 't find the error right away , so I first removed it from requests and forms 1 reserved words YEAR and MONTH 2 then I entered aliases in the queries so that the Greek letters in the names did not get into the form when the report didn't open after that, I started checking the code(for...
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Dynamic Report problem (over 10 years)

    I slightly corrected the names in the request, form, report, because I thought the Greek letters were to blame but the main error is in the report setup code, which is in the form
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