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    it is your example that is needed you are doing something wrong and the sample should help to understand your mistake usually calling reports from the form does not create problems


    lay out an example of the form and reports that you could see 1 how do you open the report 2 and on what data apparently the problem is in the sampling conditions

    Combine fielfds

    Check: trim( (" "+[Detailed Inspections TBL]![Limit 1]) & (" " + [Detailed Inspections TBL]![Unit 1]) & iif(isnull([Detailed Inspections TBL]![Limit 2]) and isnull([Detailed Inspections TBL]![Unit 2]),""," /") & (" " + [Detailed Inspections TBL]![Limit 2]) & (" " + [Detailed Inspections...

    Solved Vertical Spacing in a textbox

    when reports with special formatting requirements are needed, they form a report in the WORD document format.

    Solved Vertical Spacing in a textbox

    it won't work with the [p] tag, access doesn't have such a tag, with the [div] tag I posted a screenshot for you

    Combine fielfds

    Check: trim([Detailed Inspections TBL]![Limit 1] & (" " + [Detailed Inspections TBL]![Unit 1]) & (" / " + [Detailed Inspections TBL]![Limit 2]) & (" " + [Detailed Inspections TBL]![Unit 2]))

    Solved Vertical Spacing in a textbox

    See figure - 2 ENTER and small font size There is a very limited set of valid HTM codes available

    Solved Vertical Spacing in a textbox

    does this mean that your field has a long text type in RTF format

    Solved Update Query with Multiple WHERE Criteria - using YES/NO field

    if you have difficulties with spaces and apostrophes, then I would suggest you the following code option the same number of characters, but everything is clear Dim s1 As String s1 = "UPDATE [tbl_SNModifiers]" s1=s1 & " SET LastCoreNumber= '%1'"...
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Customize MsgBox on Macro

    they should have received about Function Макрос11() On Error GoTo Макрос11_Err TempVars.Add "a1", MsgBox(Forms!UserF!UserName, 36, "text") If (TempVars!a1 = 6) Then MsgBox """m6""", vbOKOnly, "" Exit Function Else Beep MsgBox """m7""", vbOKOnly, ""...
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Customize MsgBox on Macro

    if your macro is translated into code, we will get clearly not what we wanted Function Macro1() On Error GoTo macro1_egg With CodeContextObject ' How do I combine the field with the text? If (MsgBox(.UserName, 36)) Then End If ' If I click on Yes Macro will...
  12. SHANEMAC51

    JSON converter for Access

    additionally, you will need several reference books for entering text fields 1 people checking events 2 the person who signs the documents 3- templates for unifying the input of object names 4 typical comments (you will also need reports on them)
  13. SHANEMAC51

    JSON converter for Access

    In fact, there are two tables – they are enough for an overview NTM report for any object The third table is EAV, so as not to depend on real checks For the convenience of further reports, the lists of requirements are divided into parts, since many things are repeated in different...
  14. SHANEMAC51

    Moving items between listboxes

    the example shows the selection by 1- by the name of the product (you can do it by a fragment of the name), if there is a category or units of measurement, then by them 2- by the name of the supplier (you can do it by fragment) 3- by price interval if the checkbox is 3-position, then you can...
  15. SHANEMAC51

    Moving items between listboxes

    tape form (analogous to tabular, continuous) - records with a filter strictly above the data fields - easy to select and view
  16. SHANEMAC51

    Solved runtime error 3021 no current records

    of course, maybe I don't understand something, but apparently I would write the following code or if ...elseif ...elseif...end if Private Sub BtnTotal13To24_Click() Dim db As DAO.Database ' declaring dao databse Dim rst As DAO.Recordset ' declaring dao recordset Dim strSQL As String ' string...
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Moving items between listboxes

    at the same time, the form can show not only the article of the product, but also the name, unit of measurement, ... for filtering and by them when you set the filter =selected, you can print the selection for a comfortable check, then go back to the selection for correction, and not select...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Moving items between listboxes

    I would prefer to use a ribbon form with filtering by a fragment of the name field and a selection checkbox
  19. SHANEMAC51

    Solved runtime error 3021 no current records

    the most unpleasant thing with this approach is which series of 12 records is missing a line based on the figure 12, we can assume that this is an export from excel of some totals by month, for example, data for 3 years or 12 lines each 1 -quantity 2- cost of work 3 - something else
  20. SHANEMAC51

    Solved runtime error 3021 no current records

    the only thing I realized is that there can be up to 36 entries per line of the report, but unfortunately not always at the same time, every 12 records are summed up EXOTIC!!
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