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    Solved Show All Records on a Form in Access VBA

    this string searches for the first string with the value of the word Select DoCmd.SearchForRecord , "", acFirst, "[tDeptAbbrv] = " & "'Select'" you will not see the second and further, as well as the rows with the value Select 1 or Select2 to see all the lines with the word Select*, you need...

    Custom Ribbon In Library For Print Preview

    any book has - author or authors - publishing house - year of release - book code ISBN - subject - abstract - type of publication - storage location ... and there have always been classifiers for searching these fields since paper times access does this very quickly, and for any combination of...

    Solved Trying to figure out how to start new column in a report after a given amount of records

    I think that the records should be sorted sheet 1 - 150 minimum, 3 columns from top to bottom sheet 2 - the next 150 last sheet - the remainder, for example 3 columns of 10-11 values moreover, the values can be longer than 10-12 characters, 150 last name + first name may not fit on the sheet

    Calculate Percentage without Empty Fields

    maximum of 14 nested

    Calculate DateDiff Between 2 records in same table/query

    insert into data( recordingDate,rainFall ) values(#10/19/2020#,1.054527) insert into data( recordingDate,rainFall ) values(#10/22/2020#,1.282499) insert into data( recordingDate,rainFall ) values(#10/22/2020#,5.367941) insert into data( recordingDate,rainFall ) values(#10/29/2020#,5.44014)...

    using tabindex in VBA to control what gets focus

    I always use a ribbon form with the main fields of the table/query 1 -the headers are fully visible (multi-line) 2 -green search fields strictly above the data fields 3 -you can set the selection conditions in any combination, usually equality, Like(contains) or interval 4 -I don't let the user...

    Solved Trying to figure out how to start new column in a report after a given amount of records

    137 entries in font 8 fits into the page, it is necessary to somehow still try students by classes in 3 columns, although this can apparently be implemented without an additional field, since there are clearly less than 100 people in the class (obviously it will fit into the page)

    Solved Trying to figure out how to start new column in a report after a given amount of records

    using an example of 137 rows, adding a service field to the table for grouping, taking into account the possible extension = yes, I got an option with setting the number of records in the column

    Continuous form total not working

    somehow I doubt that the form has a footer - it's not a report, after all there is 1-title 2- note in them you can put the summation of fields from the data area (for example debeto)
  10. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Trying to figure out how to start new column in a report after a given amount of records

    lay out an example of a database with a report in 1 column , I need to understand if it differs from mine 3-4 record
  11. SHANEMAC51

    Convert String to Numeric

    it is unlikely that the footer sees the fields of the subordinate form the final field should be in the note of the subordinate form
  12. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Search last word in a string

    Private Sub test01() Debug.Print SecondLastValue("Abit Khind, Akola, Ahmadnagar") Debug.Print SecondLastValue("Bhor, Shiroda, Akola,, Ahmadnagar") Debug.Print SecondLastValue("Akola, Ahmadnagar") Debug.Print SecondLastValue("Ahmadnagar") Debug.Print SecondLastValue(Null)...
  13. SHANEMAC51

    Solved Trying to figure out how to start new column in a report after a given amount of records

    I would like to decompose the printout into 3 columns. 1 - if the elements are placed horizontally, a standard report is sufficient, without code (Fig. 1) 2 - if vertically, then you will have to write program code (Fig. 2)
  14. SHANEMAC51

    I want to create 3 queries from 3 tables

    these are problems due to the DOUBLE data type , they are visually the same, but not equal in reality (a form for comparing 2 tables)
  15. SHANEMAC51

    I want to create 3 queries from 3 tables

    it depends on the conditions of merging tables ON Tb1.GT = Da.C1 ON Tb1.GT = Da.C2 ON Tb1.GT = Da.C3 ON Tb1.GT = Da.C4
  16. SHANEMAC51

    I want to create 3 queries from 3 tables

    Query Q_tb1 SELECT Tb1.MaID, 1 as ztyp,Da.Ngay, Tb1.GT AS A1 FROM Tb1 INNER JOIN Da ON Tb1.GT = Da.C1 UNION SELECT Tb1.MaID,2, Da.Ngay, Tb1.GT FROM Tb1 INNER JOIN Da ON Tb1.GT = Da.C2 UNION SELECT Tb1.MaID, 3,Da.Ngay, Tb1.GT FROM Tb1 INNER JOIN Da ON Tb1.GT = Da.C3 UNION SELECT Tb1.MaID,4...
  17. SHANEMAC51

    Query Returns Applicable Price Based on User Criteria

    I always use a ribbon form 1 -the headers are fully visible 2 -green search fields strictly above the data fields 3 -you can set the selection conditions in any combination 4 -I do not let the user spoil something (yellow fields are closed from correction) 5 -when clicking on the selected line...
  18. SHANEMAC51

    Strange Gremlin in Search Field

    " WHERE TBL_Client_Basic_Info.[First Name] Like "'*" & vSearchString & "*'" & _ " Or TBL_Client_Basic_Info.[Last Name] Like "'*" & vSearchString & "*'" & _
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