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  1. Eugene-LS

    Solved How to find out the ID of the record to which I am trying to add a duplicate

    Yes - it Is possible - For example by DlookUp() function. DLookup Function in Microsoft Access
  2. Eugene-LS

    Tried 11 yet

    You don't need that already! My computer doesn't match either (i have no TPM2 module). I installed myself from the original image - everything works
  3. Eugene-LS

    Solved how to listbox for specific record

    There could be many causes for this Can you post a sample form with the necessary tables
  4. Eugene-LS

    Solved Filter characters or remove spaces or allow particular characters

    Private Sub YourTextFieldName_AfterUpdate() Dim s As String Dim t As String Dim i As Integer 'Clearing the field value of all characters except digits s = Me.YourTextFieldName & "" Me.YourTextFieldName = Null For i = 1 To Len(s) t = Mid(s, i, 1) If IsNumeric(t) Then...
  5. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    Before adding new records to table "INTAKELOG" you should have "Relation key ID" record in table "CLIENTS" for each new record. ... And read: Introduction to data types and field properties - that's about second screenshot from post #28 ...
  6. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    There are some functions for data transform ... TimeValue() for example ... ... My local time is late, I'm tired. I leave you in the good hands of the experts of this forum. Good luck!
  7. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    That's why !
  8. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    Some fields are perplexing ...
  9. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    Two fields were missing in the file: "MASTER DATA EXPORT TEST.xlsm"
  10. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    Ye-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s! That's right. But I worked with the file that was posted and there were really two fields missing. I didn't make it up any more ...
  11. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

  12. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    That's better! Looking at the material ...
  13. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    И где Excel файл - А! ??? Вы думаете - или нет? ... :( ... EN: And where is the Excel file - Ah! ??? Do you think - or not? ...
  14. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    You are not the only one who has this kind of thing Just replace sensitive data with meaningless text by using update queries.
  15. Eugene-LS

    Solved Append Query Key Violation

    Can you post a sample DB with test data and excel sheet?
  16. Eugene-LS

    query filtering certain timespan

    Yes. Yes. Field "MinDiff" - means: "difference in minutes" - Name it as you like.
  17. Eugene-LS

    query filtering certain timespan

    SELECT First(fTime) AS FirstOffTime, First(fValue) AS FirstOffValue, Next75AndMoreTime, First(MinDiff) AS FirstOfMinDiff FROM ( SELECT fTime, fValue, IIf([fValue]<75, DMin("fTime",'Your_Table_Name',"fTime>" & Format([fTime], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy hh:nn:ss\#") & " AND fValue>=75")...
  18. Eugene-LS

    query filtering certain timespan

    SELECT fTime, fValue, IIf([fValue]<75, DMin("fTime",'Your_Table_Name',"fTime>" & Format([fTime], "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy hh:nn:ss\#") & " AND fValue>=75"), [fTime]) AS Next75AndMoreTime, DateDiff("n",[fTime], IIf([fValue]<75,DMin("fTime", 'Your_Table_Name',"fTime>" &...
  19. Eugene-LS

    Access (2013) Crashes on pressing Button that runs VBA Code....

    ... or not shown to us variable, or mistake ... :)
  20. Eugene-LS

    Access (2013) Crashes on pressing Button that runs VBA Code....

    If "ShowIt" is button - try code:
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