Search results

  1. Eugene-LS

    Close modal form without refreshing calling form

    Try change continuous form property : RecordsetType
  2. Eugene-LS

    DLookup using multiple criteria?

    Dim sLookUpField As String, vVal Select Case Me.cboChooseProduct.Column(40) Case 1: sLookUpField = "[ZoneA]" Case 2: sLookUpField = "[ZoneB]" Case 3: sLookUpField = "[ZoneC]" 'Case ... : sLookUpField = "[Zone ...]" Case Else: Exit Sub End...
  3. Eugene-LS

    Check if Form is open

    Public Function FormIsLoaded(sFormName$) As Boolean ' Determines if the form specified in argument <sFormName> is loaded (in any view except Design) ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ On Error GoTo FormIsLoaded_Err If...
  4. Eugene-LS

    Extract Zip

    Try: Function ExtractZipAndSaveAsTxt(zipFilePath As String, destinationFolder As String) Dim shellApp As Object Dim zipFolder As Object Dim fileItem As Object Dim extractedFilePath As String ' Create Shell object Set shellApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application") ' Open the ZIP file Set...
  5. Eugene-LS

    VBA - change column name function

    Try: Public Sub change_col_nameOld(TableName As String, OldColName As String, NewColName As String) Dim tblDef As DAO.TableDef Dim dbs As DAO.Database Dim iVal As Integer Set dbs = CurrentDb Set tblDef = dbs.TableDefs(TableName) For iVal = 0 To tblDef.Fields.Count - 1...
  6. Eugene-LS

    Update queries, lookup tables, and changing foreign key IDs

    Take a look to strings bellow please
  7. Eugene-LS

    Mail merge query with multiple records

    Look for Concatenation ...
  8. Eugene-LS

    Solved Search with String and Date in the same textbox in access form

    Take a look at the example please ... Query “Query1” for understanding only - can be deleted
  9. Eugene-LS

    How old is your computer?

    It seems we all choose good equipment for long years.
  10. Eugene-LS

    How old is your computer?

    My BIOS is 10 yars old ( ASUS H97-PLUS)
  11. Eugene-LS

    Solved Move selected to top of listbox

    Private Function GetListValues() As Variant Dim sVal$, idx% For idx = 0 To Me.lstDefects.ListCount - 1 If Me.lstDefects.Selected(idx) = True Then sVal = sVal & csDelimeter & Me.lstDefects.ItemData(idx) End If Next idx If Len(sVal) > Len(csDelimeter)...
  12. Eugene-LS

    Solved Error 2766 when executing a MACRO with IF condition

    Try use quotation marks around text values [MaxHorseRatingTable]![centre]="DEL"
  13. Eugene-LS

    Solved Get the latest date from 3 fields

    Public Function GetLatestDate(Optional sWhereCondition As String = "") 'Usage: ' ?GetLatestDate("RecID = 23") '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Name of table with fields "Phone", "Email" & "Text" ("Text" is reserved word !!!)...
  14. Eugene-LS

    Importing excel spreadsheet truncates field to 255 characters

    When importing, the Microsoft driver despite the fact that the field is long text evaluates the imported data on the first 8 lines. If the data in them is less than 255 characters, it considers them as short text and everything further is cut off accordingly. The same applies to any other data...
  15. Eugene-LS

    Multiple criteria on DCount including date field

    Yes, you are absolutely right! (y)
  16. Eugene-LS

    Multiple criteria on DCount including date field

    Harsh practice:
  17. Eugene-LS

    Multiple criteria on DCount including date field

    Below is an example:
  18. Eugene-LS

    Multiple criteria on DCount including date field

    Publish your table (part of the data) here - we'll see. There may be something wrong with your data.
  19. Eugene-LS

    Multiple criteria on DCount including date field

    Try changing semicolons to commas ...
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