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  1. Eugene-LS

    Solved Incorrect output when filing report

    Report "SafetyInfoControlsubreport" Set RecordSource Property to: SELECT RiskAssessmentID, Activity.ActivityID, ControlMeasure, HazardRef FROM (Hazard INNER JOIN (Activity INNER JOIN ActivityHazard ON Activity.ActivityID = ActivityHazard.ActivityID) ON Hazard.HazardID =...
  2. Eugene-LS

    Copy Data from one table to another

    Private Sub UpdateRecordsIfIsEmpty() ' Copying the data from table "Investments01_Appendix" to the table "Investments01_tbl", _ ONLY if the same field name in table "Investments01_tbl" is empty...
  3. Eugene-LS

    Solved Separate Icons for each apps

    Thank you very much for the information. It is very important!
  4. Eugene-LS

    Solved Separate Icons for each apps

    This option starts Microsoft Access without displaying the startup dialog box. You are right - it is acceptable without this option.
  5. Eugene-LS

    Solved Separate Icons for each apps

    Try this way: Сreate a shortcut (on the desktop) with a command like: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE" "D:\MSAProjects\YourFolderName\YourAppName_v001.accdb" /NoStartup Then set desired icon to this shortcut.
  6. Eugene-LS

    creating multiple copies of sales order forms

    I think = Yes. I solved a similar problem this way:
  7. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sound in Access

    Check out example below please
  8. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sound in Access

    Try : Private Sub TestPlayWaveFile() '... \Sounds\potion_gulp.wav strSound = CurrentProject.Path & "\Sounds\potion_gulp.wav" PlayWaveFile StopWaveFile End Sub ... Works!
  9. Eugene-LS

    Solved Exporting Error If fist query has no records...

    The same code with less strings:
  10. Eugene-LS

    Solved Exporting Error If fist query has no records...

    One more solution: ' ... Set rst1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Data_1") If rst1.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "There are no records to export!", vbExclamation, "No entries" rst1.Close Set rst1 = Nothing Exit Sub End If ' ...
  11. Eugene-LS

    Adding blank rows to a report to fill a page

    Try that query: SELECT 0 As Expr1,EstimatePK, OrderedPartsPK, ReqRecID, ReqOrderedPart, ReqOrderedPartChanges, ReqOrderedPartName, RegisteredOn, ReqSupplierFK, ReqQuantity, ReqUnitFK, ReqRemarks, ReqUnitPrice, OtherExpenses FROM tblEstimate WHERE ReqOrderedPart LIKE...
  12. Eugene-LS

    Solved AfterUpdate() need to return to field on form...

    As I could see your field is named as "Return" so use command : Me.Return.SetFocus
  13. Eugene-LS

    Disable "Not Responding"

    Try something like this: Private Sub PGInStatusBarTest() 'ProgressBar in StatusBar 'More info: '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoCmd.Hourglass True 'True...
  14. Eugene-LS

    Textbox can act like "Combo Box"

    Yes-s-ss. - It is! Use Custom Menu for TextBox.
  15. Eugene-LS

    Solved Sales Order Form Coding

    Can you post a copy of your application with just the form (with subforms) and required tables/queries. Just a few (fictitious) records to understand.
  16. Eugene-LS

    Unrecognised Database Format - Data migration issue?

    Take a look at that page: Unrecognizeable Database format 3343
  17. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    See to Query " frmLeave_SubForm_Details" as example: SELECT [Leave Dates].*, GetDaysEFH([Start_Date],[End_Date]) AS DaysEFH, [Days]-GetDaysEFH([Start_Date],[End_Date]) AS EFH_Difference FROM [Leave Dates]; Try change some dates ([Start_Date] and [End_Date]) in query ...
  18. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    Copy the function into any external module (not a form module), then you can use it along with other functions in forms, queries and reports.
  19. Eugene-LS

    Solved MS access Username displayed on Textbox field

    Can you post a copy of your application with just the form (with subforms) and required tables/queries. Just a few (fictitious) records to understand.
  20. Eugene-LS

    Solved MS access Username displayed on Textbox field

    Take a look at example below please
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