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  1. Eugene-LS

    Solved MS access Username displayed on Textbox field

    Try write in Form "On Load" event: Private Sub Form_Load() Me.txtUnboundField = Environ("UserName") End Sub
  2. Eugene-LS

    @ column list box

    Have you read my post #4? ... I suggested that instead of Application.FollowHyperlink sVal to use Procedure from post #6 WScriptFollowHyperlink sVal
  3. Eugene-LS

    @ column list box

    Try other way to open Hyperlink: WScriptFollowHyperlink sURL Using that Procedure: Public Sub WScriptFollowHyperlink(vLink) ' FollowHyperlink is not working properly !!! '---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim wsShell As Object...
  4. Eugene-LS

    @ column list box

    Try: Private Sub List64_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim sVal As String sVal = Me.List64.Column(2) & "" Debug.Print sVal MsgBox sVal, vbInformation 'Application.FollowHyperlink sVal End Sub What will happen?
  5. Eugene-LS

    Query not sorting calculated fields correctly

    Try to convert result to Date format :
  6. Eugene-LS

    Only show queries that contain results, and close queries with no results

    Dim lResCount As Long ' ... If qdf.Type = 0 Then ' Select query lResCount = DCount("*", strQryName) If lResCount > 0 Then 'query contain results ! ' ... End If ElseIf qdf.Type = 48...
  7. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    Check this function please
  8. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    I started with line number 4: - "The important button in main screen ..." ;)
  9. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    I read your assignment. Unfortunately, I don't have time to decide your whole list of wishes. Have you thought about hiring a specialist to finish your application?
  10. Eugene-LS

    Help in access issue - calculated field for Leave system

    Private Sub cmdExitApp_Click() '!!! - Button name changed to "cmdExitApp" DoEvents DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name Application.Quit End Sub
  11. Eugene-LS

    Solved Combo box Dropdown and Got Focus highlight field with colour

    You forgot Me.... statment! :) Public Function FocusInOut(bGotFocus As Boolean) 'Now in any combobox on any form in the event procedures for gotfocus and lostfocust ' onGotFocus: =FocusInOut(True) ' onLostFocus: =FocusInOut(False)...
  12. Eugene-LS

    Solved Combo box Dropdown and Got Focus highlight field with colour

    I'm working on that ... Try the example below
  13. Eugene-LS

    Solved Combo box Dropdown and Got Focus highlight field with colour

    Take a look on example below please. ComboBoxes dropdown only if it has no value.
  14. Eugene-LS

    Open External Database in Separate Window in Access Runtime Version

    Try to replace string Dim app As Access.Application, strPath As String to: Dim app As Object, strPath As String
  15. Eugene-LS

    Can Not Edit Application Title or Change/Add Display Form

    Is this happening to all databases or just one?
  16. Eugene-LS

    Why My system shows two Different Access icons when adding a New File?

    The one above is for creating an .accdb file (MSA 2007 + ), and the second one is for *.mdb (MSA 2003 format)
  17. Eugene-LS

    Passing unbound form data to another form

    Take a look at the example below
  18. Eugene-LS

    Enter Parameter value

    Can you post a sample db to demonstrate the problem?
  19. Eugene-LS

    Export to excel with Date format

    I offer you a shorter way of generating the path string: ... = "PATH\filename" & Format(Now, "\_mmddyyyy\_hhmmss") & ".xlsx"
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