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  1. Eugene-LS

    Solved Navigation Panel Drop Down Menu

    I would use a ListBox for the main menu and a SubForm for the submenus ...
  2. Eugene-LS

    Day count

    With [CompletedDate] field: Control source: =DateDiff("d",[Discharge_Date], Nz([CompletedDate], Date()))
  3. Eugene-LS

    Highlighted Search

    Yes, it's possible. Make report in RTF or HTML format ... using tags <bold> & <color> You can also highlight the desired text when exporting the report to MS Word or MS Excel
  4. Eugene-LS

    Prevent date field from changing format on data entry

    No way! :sneaky: Or use own Calendar form ...
  5. Eugene-LS

    Prevent date field from changing format on data entry

    I did so: I copied the date (time) value from hidden field into an unrelated text field on the Form_OnCurrent event, checked for IsDate() or IsTime() after editing, and then copied back ...
  6. Eugene-LS

    Solved Numbers & UpperCase

    Shorter way: Private Sub ControlName_AfterUpdate Me.ControlName = StrConv(Me.ControlName & "", vbProperCase) End Sub
  7. Eugene-LS

    show name in a combo box but store id

    Can you post a copy of your application with just the form (with subforms) and required tables/queries. Just a few (fictitious) records to understand.
  8. Eugene-LS

    show name in a combo box but store id

    Your record sourse propery of combobox should have a query like that: SELECT FieldID, FieldName FROM coordinator_program ORDER BY FieldName;
  9. Eugene-LS

    show name in a combo box but store id

    Set combobox properties: ColumnCount = 2 (or more) ColumnWidths = 0;8 (first should be = 0)
  10. Eugene-LS

    Count based on value

    Use DCount() Function
  11. Eugene-LS

    Solved Numbers & UpperCase

    Try the code below: Dim sVal$ sVal = "I am trying to enter a line of code that allows me to input the house number in a text box followed by the street name" sVal = StrConv(sVal, vbUpperCase) Debug.Print sVal sVal = StrConv(sVal, vbLowerCase) Debug.Print sVal...
  12. Eugene-LS

    How to stop repeat code

    You are thinking correctly trying to optimize code, in programming this is called "polymorphism". You can write approximately this kind of code: Private Sub cboEmploeeAcc_Operaate() If Me.cboSantAg = 1 Then Me.cboEmploeeAcc.Visible = False Else Me.cboEmploeeAcc.Visible =...
  13. Eugene-LS

    Change dots into commas as decimal separator

    @cpampas Any Null value will return error - so better use Nz() function: Me.txtTextField = Replace(Nz(Me.txtNumericField, 0), ",", ".")
  14. Eugene-LS

    Syntax to populate a field in a subform based on another field in the same subform

    Your question is older than the universe! :) The point is that by applying selection conditions to the secondary combo box - you do it for all records of sub form.
  15. Eugene-LS

    Syntax to populate a field in a subform based on another field in the same subform

    In sub form module: Me.DestFieldName = Me.AnotherFieldName
  16. Eugene-LS

    Solved VBA - Form update boolean field

    You have two erroneous lines in your code. Replace them with the ones below: CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE 201Assets SET AssetFlag = True " & _ "WHERE stdid=" & Me.subformAssets.Form.Recordset.Fields("stdid")
  17. Eugene-LS

    Solved Programatically change color on continous form conditional formatting
  18. Eugene-LS

    Solved Now allowing Sub-form to update table based on condition in subfrom

    Oops! Please forgive me generously. I can't see well this morning ....
  19. Eugene-LS

    Solved How to find out the ID of the record to which I am trying to add a duplicate

    Dim sVal As String, vVal sVal = "[Customer ID] = " & Me![Customer ID] & " AND [Customer First Name] = '" & Me![Customer First Name] & "'" vVal = DLookup("[Customer ID]", "[Your Table Name]", sVal) If vVal > 0 Then 'Found ... ' ... Else ' ... End If
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