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  1. S

    Solved string containing character operators

    What about? rs.findfirst "[Address] Like '*" & chr(62) & "*'" chr(62) is the ascii code for the > symbol.
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    Set Datasheet Column Widths - How?

    If someone is interested. Here was some code I had for adjusting col widths based on approximation of number of characters. This was based on 8 point calibri, so would need modification for a different type face or point size. Const TWIPSTOINCHES = 1440 Const TWIPSTOCHARWIDTH =...
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    how to Delete query fields

    Addressing the specific aspect of the question Here is a function that will create a string that can be incorporated into an SQL statement to exclude fields that have no data. There is an optional Alias which will add a prefix to the included field names. For example if you wanted your...
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    Quote vs Multi Quote

    Thanks Guys. Helpful tip and nice visual link. I'll look forward to trying that out in a future post.
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    Quote vs Multi Quote

    Since I saw this quote in post #4: How do you get the visual to show in the thread? When I've done attachments, they only show as links. I tried doing a search and perhaps couldn't figure out the best keyword phrase to locate the answer as it ended up showing results for how to insert images...
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    Go to a specific line number in code window

    Regarding posts #2 and be clear, wasn't referring to actual line numbers in the code, I don't use those either. Was referring to the line number indicator up on the ribbon. (see screenshot) Reason had a need to locate a line number was I had been testing some code variations and after...
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    Go to a specific line number in code window

    Was looking for how to find and go to a line number in the code window since the information of the line and col is visible. While not as straight forward as Ctrl+F, found this code snippet...
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    New Shortcut

    Hi June7, I encountered the break key problem and its annoying loss as a valued member of the keyboard. Recently, discovered that at least on my current keyboard (Microsoft Wireless 2000), that ctrl+Pause does what ctrl+Break did.
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    New Shortcut

    The last few computers I have had win7, 8.1 and 10, I needed to change the settings as the default now seems to be for the "special features" to take priority over the traditional F2-F12 functions since I'd rather press F2 rather than Fn+F2 to rename a file. Hope those techniques to restore the...
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    New Shortcut

    vba_php, most likely if your keyboard no longer allows rename with F2, you may need to adjust a windows setting. Depending on your computer model could be a simple setting in control panel, a special brand specific app or may need to go into the BIOS. Search for: Windows 10 Flip Function keys...
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    List Highest/Top Document number under two conditions

    After adding back the Criteria for the document number, I think it is providing the same result. Thanks. Is the advantage of your sql that it is one subquery rather than a union? SELECT Docs.DocumentNo, Docs.DocumentTitle, Docs.Revision, Docs.DateModified FROM Docs INNER JOIN (SELECT...
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    List Highest/Top Document number under two conditions

    That looks correct.
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    List Highest/Top Document number under two conditions

    Sorry about that, it seemed to have been tab delim, but maybe lost the tabs in pasting?
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    List Highest/Top Document number under two conditions

    Hi theDBGuy, appreciate you taking a look. Here is a list of sample data slightly edited so as not to use the actual numbers and titles. If needs to be in another format or as attachment, let me know. I copied and pasted from Access to Excel, edited it and then copy pasted in here. I...
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    List Highest/Top Document number under two conditions

    This query seems to work and not asking how to get it working. Rather, checking if this is the right approach or is there another preferable method. Have a list of document numbers and would like to display the highest one, however if there are documents that contain a title of TBD, would like...
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    Some titles in a report are missing when exporting to PDF

    A random thought. If the timer doesn't work well. What if you have the vba run a query or some other process between reports?
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    How to set a field to accept like 1/2"

    This may or may not work for your situation, depending on whether these are smart quotes. If you are using an import spec, try changing to UTF-8. 'After still having issues with smart quote imports from 'csv file, this site suggested to change Import 'Specification. Edit the Code Page: 'OEM...
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    Importing Multiple XML in Access from Folder

    Looks like others answered prior to my post being live. I think dbguy means the timing between when the file is being imported and the next file is being imported. The first import may not be finished before the second tries to go. Maybe try this: Sub TEST() Dim fs Dim fsFolder Dim fsFile...
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    Importing Multiple XML in Access from Folder

    Are you missing the final backslash before the file name? "C:\Users\pierial\Desktop\XML\" &
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    creating a sequential alpha-numeric case number

    Here is one that I use and it preserves leading zeroes. It may need adjusting for your number scheme as ours uses a dash in the item number. Function RegexIncrement(ByVal NumToIncrement As String) 'Increment a text string number by 1 '(add 1 to the number) '(add one to the number) 'and keep...
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