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    Welcome new Access MVP Colin Riddington (isladogs)

    Congratulations Colin, your dedication to Access, the various forums, websites and willingness to stay up late to visit our little user group in San Francisco to share your knowledge certainly makes you an MVP and glad that you are now being officially recognized as such.
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    Data in form

    Sounds like you would like to take existing data and use some logic to manipulate it to change how it is displayed or to take the data and have it populate other fields based on the values. Then yes that would be done in a form and would need either putting some logic in the query or the text...
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    Solved Find Closest Monday of Month Containing Full Work Week to a Date

    Thanks for the update. Always appreciate your great set of code insights and improvements.
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    There must be a more efficient way to do this

    W.O.R.K. Will Only Reuse Knowledge Therefore, perhaps, the question is reasonable and not lazy?
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    Solved Find Closest Monday of Month Containing Full Work Week to a Date

    Thanks MajP. I ran through the dates for 2022 and 2023 and is providing the answer was seeking. Have added it to the appropriate code module. Thanks plog, looks like MajP provided the actual code that you were suggesting. Thanks Pat, I downloaded your file to save for future use when dealing...
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    Solved Find Closest Monday of Month Containing Full Work Week to a Date

    Looks like my explanation left more questions than answers. Simply looking at work week Monday - Friday Not considering Holidays Just trying to get the 4th Monday that is a full week of days Monday Tuesday Wed, Thur and Fri. If the week ending on the 4th Monday does not include a Friday, then...
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    Solved Find Closest Monday of Month Containing Full Work Week to a Date

    Probably making this more complex than need be. Can this be done in code/formula to do one the following without having to create a table of dates. Different statements trying to reach the same result (whichever is easier). Option 1: Find the 4th Monday of the Month, EXCEPTION - if the...
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    Zip/Unzip utility

    There is also similar code at Then modified one of the functions to do a test if a file is in a zip Public Function IsInZip(ByVal zipArchivePath As String, ByVal FileName As String) 'Modified...
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    How to add a text to PDF?

    Couple other ideas, if it is a set of steps that are the same, you could try Autohotkeys Another is pdftkserver and or stamptk which you could call from a button using vba.
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    access form to word doc

    If you use the built in windows snipping tool for screen shots, then you don't need to save the file, you can choose copy from the menu and paste directly into word. Also, prior to pasting into word, you can use things like the highlighting or pen tool to circle or add yellow highlight to a...
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    Great Function to Pluralize words

    This is how I did it back in 2020 to provide a count of files when sending an email message... intNoOfFiles = CountFilesInFolder("N:\Letters\", "*.pdf") stsingplur = "is,are,file,files,has,have" If intNoOfFiles = 1 Then stsingplur = Split(stsingplur, ",")(0) & "," &...
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    Solved Add a column to a Linked table

    Here is a table editor form I developed based on various code snippets I found from a few websites to allow editing a local or linked table which I used during development. Allows changing name(s) of fields, adding and removing fields etc. Import the three objects (tblTableActions...
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    Solved Perhaps Ghosts Are In My Database!

    This probably isn't your situation, but happened to come across this, worth a look. Could it be related to trusted locations?
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    Rename multiple parts of the same file name for all files in a directory

    Sharing this idea... Had a project to rename a bunch of scanned documents. Was given a name convention to use. After spending some time manually renaming by keying in the same information over and over decided to see about automating the repeating value portion of the rename. I had a rename...
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    Solved Leading Zeros

    Here is another option for adding leading zero. I found some years back --looks like I didn't note where this came from when originally copied into my code, sorry. Public Function addZeros(makeLonger As String, numberDigits) As String Dim x 'Adds 0's Leading 0 Leading zero to the front...
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    Request for Help!

    Here are a couple of examples if concatenating in VBA 1st gets the sum of D2 through D and a variable defined as cellrow. Using your post of cell being D3, cellrow =3 then it would equate out to Sum D2 through D3 The rest are putting a formula into a specific cell on the spreadsheet stsum =...
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    Pasting Screen Shot Into Form?

    Maybe didn't interpret the question and response properly, however based on what I thought was being asked, I was able to create a form and paste a screen shot into it without having to save it first. May take some time to adjust the size of the box on the form to see the image properly. In...
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    Regular Expression to return only part of the search. e.g. find "15th" but return just "th"

    Changing $1 to $2 worked for me result = result & RE.Replace(allMatches(i), "$2") & separator ? RegExSearch("this is using $2 to get the 15th December to show what is wanted") th
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    Long html code

    I used chr(34) to represent the double quote like this: stMessage = "<BODY style=" & Chr(34) & "font-size:11pt;font-family:Calibri" & Chr(34) & ">"
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    Solved Advanced Search Methods in Win 10

    @strive4peace tried your suggestion. Even tried using standard google search and click on result, unable to view the site from work. Maybe I'll try to get there using a windows search instead... :confused:
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