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  1. S

    Macbook Functionality Navigation Pane

    you may need to press and hold the FN key then press F11. Also could look into flipping the function keys so that the function keys work as expected and then to do things like volume, etc, would press the FN. This would be a settings/preferences thing.
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    Solved Open a specific folder using the first x letters

    Are you looking to open a folder dialog and see/select the files that it lists?
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    Solved VBA code to find and replace values in exported Excel spreadsheet with hyperlinks

    Good to know that the used range met your needs, that seems simpler than having to calculate the cells. Sorry my code didn't work in your case. Maybe I didn't copy all the parts that were needed.
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    Solved VBA code to find and replace values in exported Excel spreadsheet with hyperlinks

    I added some code that will make the range selection dynamic. Your code is a little different than mine, so hopefully I put it in the right spots. They are left aligned so you can see where I added the code lines. I show two ways for the range one using RC numbers the other using letters...
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    How do you link a specific printer to a Report and preserve that link if coding on a separate system?

    This is probably an extra couple of steps since it would have to be sent to the printer after the fact. Haven't actually tried it, just thinking... What if instead, set the default printer to PDF that way, presumably, regardless of what printers are available, the prompt or reformatting issue...
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    Solved Adding a page to a pdf

    PDFtk Server works well for me. Here is a code sample snippet to merge files. The first part of the code checks if pdftk is installed so that it won't try to run if not available. ... ... If InStr(Environ("Path"), "pdftk") = 0 Then MsgBox "It appears that PDF tool kit is not...
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    Insert VBA code into pdf form

    Have them return the pdf to you and then use vba at your end to parse the data?
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    Count Separated List

    Too bad didn't know about your great one-liner before. Thanks. Hopefully will remember if I have a need in the future.
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    Count Separated List

    I misread the original post which I thought was trying to count the number of occurrences of the sep char. In my example, I was counting the number of occurrences for the sep char. I suppose one could modify the function to add 1 to the result? Or maybe this isn't the right function for the...
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    Count Separated List

    Function StringCountOccurrences(strText As String, strFind As String, _ Optional lngCompare As VbCompareMethod) As Long ' ' Counts occurrences of a particular...
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    VBA Debugging - F8 sometimes acts as F5

    I have experienced that usually when the next line of code is calling calling a function using the File Dialog Picker and then after that popup closes the program continues running as if step mode wasn't in use.
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    How to find the Max Value of Different Fields of a Query?

    This function from Allen Browne may work for your situation. The included link has an explanation. Put the code in a standard module. To use in your query for the column Last Correspondence Sent: LastCorrespondenceSent:MaxofList([More Information1], [More Information2], [More Information3]...
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    How to Click on a System Popup that is behind other windows

    Based on your response, the best course of action is to End Task for Access in order to get rid of the system popup since doesn't seem to be possible to bring it to the foreground for clicking and that even if it was in the foreground, clicking would not help anyway, correct?
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    How to Click on a System Popup that is behind other windows

    I briefly saw a system popup and then my access "froze" as it is waiting for me to click on one of its buttons. I tried minimizing Access, and it won't respond. I tried pressing Alt+Tab and can see and let go of the keys on it, but it still won't become the active window and stays behind the...
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    PDF Merging Work Around with VBA for digital signatures

    Isaac, here is the code I tried: Sub View_Tech_Recalls() ' ' '20200930 Dim ie...
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    PDF Merging Work Around with VBA for digital signatures

    Hi TheDBGuy, had a chance to try the code from your link and it doesn't seem to find the keyword "Signature". However, after looking at the text via notepad and doing a find in there as suggested by Isaac, the keyword shows up not only in the original pdf but in the one that I processed via...
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    PDF Merging Work Around with VBA for digital signatures

    Thanks. May not get to this until next week now due to a family issue. Will let you guys know the result once I have a chance to return to this.
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    PDF Merging Work Around with VBA for digital signatures

    Hi Isaac. Thanks for the suggestions. I will take a look into the ie and notepad. Your notepad suggestion is similar to what pdftk did as it had a command to search for the Signature field and save that to a text file, so maybe if I use your method, the file will open via vba whereas the...
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    PDF Merging Work Around with VBA for digital signatures

    Background: Our department does not have Adobe Acrobat Pro. We are using Bluebeam Extreme. I have been successfully using PDFTkServer through VBA to automate the process of merging PDF files. Due to the current situation, there is now an increase in the number of digitally signed pdfs...
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    Alike query with blank fields If I read this correctly, is it just allowing you to use % _ interchangeably for * ? ?
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