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  1. C

    Solved Totals Query

    Without seeing the raw data , my guess would be you have two records with a transactionID of 19
  2. C

    Query is fast to run, but very slow to export results

    difficult to provide an example that would be relevant to you as it depends on what the subquery is returning. but for example if you had a subquery to get the latest order date which might look like this Select OrderPK, SupplierFK, (SELECT Max(OrderDate) FROM tblOrders A WHERE...
  3. C

    Query is fast to run, but very slow to export results

    To be clear - is that how long it takes to display the initial screen? or when the recordcount of 10,000 records at the bottom is populated?. What matters is the latter - until that is populated you wont be able to do anything with the query. From what you are describing suggests that your 5...
  4. C

    Solved Auto Adjust unbound sub-form depending on which form is loaded into it

    be aware that the maximum form width is around 22 inches - so if your subform control has a left value of say 3" the maximum width of the control will be 19". If you try to make it wider than that, you will get an error
  5. C

    Solved Auto Adjust unbound sub-form depending on which form is loaded into it

    Once you have set the source object of the subform, reference the width and height Subform.width=subform.form.width The height depends on whether the form has headers/footers/detail sections that are visible or not and whether or not it is a continuous form
  6. C

    code to close my current form on pressing the button to open my Main Menu

    see this link about error handling and the syntax required Exit_cmdOpenFrontEnd_Click - not sure what is is supposed to be doing since the next line exits the sub - but perhaps that also needs...
  7. C

    Numerical ID vs Alphanumerical ID: practical advice needed on best way forward from where I am

    I also link into other systems each with their own PK - sage, Xero, Amazon, crm, erp, etc So within the context of my own app I use an autonumber pk and either have a separate column for the pk in the other system or if linking to many other systems a ‘PK’ table typically with 3 columns, my pk...
  8. C

    Solved Unbound subform opens based upon button click

    Dont you think it would make more sense to show the code that doesn't work rather than than the code that does? The code you have shown looks valid to me
  9. C

    Solved Why is calculating MIN excluding Zeros so difficult?

    not tested but perhaps it's additional space "DPerHour >0 "
  10. C

    Access don’t respond in a click at a form(button)

    In that case suggest check out the link in post#4
  11. C

    How to read the Funct/Sub name from Vba code?

    best guess is it can read back from the location of the call to the error handle for find the word 'sub' or 'function' and determine the name from there - perhaps using saveastext to interrogate
  12. C

    How to read the Funct/Sub name from Vba code?

    Only way is to include it in your message or if using a global error handler to pass the sub/function name as a parameter when it is called
  13. C

    Access don’t respond in a click at a form(button)

    Not much to go on and I have no experience of ms access run on a Mac. But that can happen if your vba is missing a relevant library - check to see if you have any missing libraries
  14. C

    Solved Outer tabs not showing on forms

    Have a look at file>options>current database for form settings - overlapping/tabbed and with tabbed you have the opportunity to show or hide the tabs
  15. C

    Get subform and control name that has focus?

    Compact/repair then zip
  16. C

    Show parent child linked records via VBA

    recommend you use indenting to make your code easier to use Function test() Dim strMsg As String Dim sqlString As String Dim i As Integer Dim rowColor As String Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset dim isParent as boolean dim PK as long Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset 'assumes B is the name of your child...
  17. C

    JTBrown New Member of the Forum

    That is because it is a .accde file. No changes can be made to the report (or form) and then saved. As doc has said the settings are stored in the report printer properties but will be over written on the fly with the default printer when on another machine. Since they are using runtime, try...
  18. C

    Solved Unable to OpenDatabase on CD Drive (Windows 10)

    why not just use sql? At it's simplest SELECT * FROM tblName INTO localtable FROM tname IN '" & pathDB & "'" Or use the linked table manager - the lock file will only appear if you open the linked table so then just use ctrl-c/ctrl-v to copy structure and data to your local table
  19. C

    CSV or Excel daily data

    Guess it's all down to experience - I only have one current example - an excel bank statement from a foreign bank. Even excel can't open it without comment admittedly it comes as an xls rather than xlsx but it is the only file they will provide. So I have to open it then save as a .csv. If I...
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