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  1. C

    Splitting my Database

    there are online apps - never used it but found this one pretty quickly, may do what you want
  2. C

    Splitting my Database

    Only way which your company might be able to do it is using Remote Desktop or Citrix if whoever your web host is allows it. Alternatively use a different back end such as sql azure. Otherwise as you say - dead in the water for Access. Look at the online apps your company is using - there are...
  3. C

    alternative to snipping tool?

    Just tried Screenpresso - much the same functionality as Greenshot but nicer interface They are in competition for the print screen button so can't show side by side.
  4. C


    Cross post noted - I’ll leave it to the other forum as I don’t want to duplicate suggestions. I would just point the OP to the similar threads at the bottom of this thread
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    instead of printing to a printer, print to pdf - you’ll need to provide a path and file name which will need some sort of unique id such as employee id and the period the payslip covers The rest of it all depends on what your tables look like and contain.
  6. C

    Table Displayed in Text Box?

    was about to suggest the same - use a datasheet subform rather than a listbox alternatively you can use the space function (rather than the string function). So assuming your data looks something like aaabbb cccccceeee 1234456 ABDEV + 23ffff determine the maximum width the first...
  7. C

    What's your best/worst joke?

    any reason for using what looks like a large black marker pen?
  8. C

    alternative to snipping tool?

    is that on windows 11? the download site says won't work on 10 just tried greenshot - few more steps involve but can get used to that:)
  9. C

    alternative to snipping tool?

    The snipping tool serves me well but is let down by its drawing capabilities - all freehand and no ability to draw boxes or circles. Had a look at snip & sketch but doesn't seem to have any additional features. Lots of apps out there, some free, some subscription - does anyone have any...
  10. C

    Solved Avoiding opening the database from OneDrive

    there is a hidden folder called appdata off the username, This has 4 folders, one of which is called Local. C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local You'll find a lot of folders related to various apps on your device You can create a folder in there called say 'databases' and place your apps in there.
  11. C

    Solved Access Engine Could not find key matching field error

    Now cross posted here
  12. C

    Solved Avoiding opening the database from OneDrive

    Why not just put the FE in the c drive or a folder in the c drive -c:\databases Then put a shortcut on the desktop or the windows bar
  13. C

    Britain is Changing with Freedom at Risk
  14. C

    Always Select a specific job title to be the first record in a query

    insufficient information provided - all depends if the job title is text or numeric (as in a FK) and if so whether the jobtitles table has a sort order field
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    Solved Access Engine Could not find key matching field error

    You have not attached a file, you have provided a web link . And have you tried Arnel's suggestion - in essence you have too many tables in your subform query
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    Solved Access Engine Could not find key matching field error

    non of the queries generate an error - suggest advise how to replicate the error
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    Britain is Changing with Freedom at Risk

    That is labour’s pledge - whether they will carry it out is not yet known. They have also pledged to reduce voting age to 16. All this will benefit labour of course
  18. C

    Britain is Changing with Freedom at Risk

    The article refers to racism- which is not necessarily referring to Muslims and I understand that it is an attempt to stop white dogs barking at dogs of colour or dogs that’s cannot bark in welsh
  19. C

    Solved DLookup value display with a minus sign

    Or an alternative
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