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  1. C

    Emmanuel Katto : Best Way to Format Ascending Lot Numbers Based on Ingredient and Date

    Your requirement does not make sense - insufficient information, no context and confusing example Probably better to keep as separate fields/controls? But not prepared to waste my time speculating
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    Should we have a secton for AI?

    looks interesting - looks like I would need to convert an image file to a string array
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    Should we have a secton for AI?

    I’ve just started looking for a solution to read text from an image- primarily those sent to a client as a photo of a receipt or multiple receipts in the same image - not an option for the client to insist on a pdf. Plenty of options online but really need one that has API’s send the image up...
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    How to quickly duplicate Tables & associated subforms within a main form

    perhaps you don't need a subform, perhaps you need a continuous form the maximum number of columns in Access is 255 per table or query. Have you already got this data into Access? Either way, it is very difficult to suggest a solution with knowing what you actually need. From your description...
  5. C

    Transfert d'information dans autre colonne

    To ensure you get the help you need I have translated your post Hello, I transferred genealogical data via a Gedcom file to my ACCESS database. Access has determined the key on ID on the other hand ID_INDIVIDU which represents each of the individuals but there are duplicates ex. 5 Huot Mélanie...
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    Solved Why setting the backstyle in vba fails?

    Use a dlookup? Tho’ probably not as efficient?
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    Access product catalogue website style

    Are you sure you are using ie11 - needs to be set before you open the form
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    Access product catalogue website style

    Be aware the image control does not get the focus so you would need to use the click or double click event to identify which image has been clicked. Other thing to be aware of is if your image files are large you may start getting ‘none display errors’ I recently developed a photo cataloguer...
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    Unimaginable Events in California

    They use those in the Mediterranean. Suspect it is fake news but a friend who lives in Mallorca swears it is true tells me they found a diver in the middle of a forest fire on the island - he'd been scooped up... But I suspect it is based on this story from 26 years ago...
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    In stock or Not in stock

    we can see the line affected - so what is the error message? Only thing I can see wrong with line is if the value is null then substitute 0 (what the nz function does). But then you would be trying to compare the number 0 with text - which I would thing would generate an error. Other...
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    Is it possible: Query/SQL to dynamically display a record/order/position number, without underlying field from a table

    this is the actual function I use Function RowNumber(Optional r As Variant = -1) As Variant Static X As Long If r = -1 Then X = 0 Else X = X + 1 End If RowNumber = X End Function and the sql SELECT *, RowNumber([PK]) AS RowNum...
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    Is it possible: Query/SQL to dynamically display a record/order/position number, without underlying field from a table

    The criteria should reset the r value to 0 and is only called once when you open the query. Clicking on a row will ‘refresh’ the row number, there is a fix which I can see if I can dig out but using as an append query should also work. See if this link helps - it uses variations of the...
  13. C

    Is it possible: Query/SQL to dynamically display a record/order/position number, without underlying field from a table

    If this is a report, that has a running sum function- just sum 1. If not a report you can create a ‘row number’ function in a module to use in a query. I’m away from my computer right now but the function at its simplest is function rownum(optional v as variant) as long static r as long if...
  14. C

    Solved Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument On Everything!

    The decompile link depends on the version of access - 32 or 64 bit and version number - 14/16 whatever Access usually only corrupts if the developer is 'doing it wrong' or allows the user to 'do it wrong' or there is an unexpected hardware issue such as a powercut when access is halfway through...
  15. C

    Unique values

    or you could just include a FK to the teams table in the players table. That way a player can only be assigned to one team.
  16. C

    How to view a monthly reports on the 1st of every month

    depends on which way you want to do it, how your report works etc. You could modify the underlying query to your report or provide a filter to your report (assuming you are using docmd.openreport). In one of my apps, I preview the report in a subreport on the form and have a listbox which...
  17. C

    How to view a monthly reports on the 1st of every month

    yes - select a date range which is the previous month. Plenty of ways to do that using dateadd function to subtract the day and the month from today’s date. Or use a table to store the ‘current range’ Or on your form have a couple of text boxes to specify the range
  18. C

    n period moving average in queries

    Rather than hijacking this is a 22 year old thread, might be better to start a new one? Might be better to use a non standard join rather than a sub query but without some example data …..
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