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  1. C

    Solved I want to be able to send a few emails in access 2016 using gmail but am having challenges

    If you haven’t changed anything, I’m not surprised. If you have changed something do have the courtesy of showing your revised code, ideally identifying what you have changed
  2. C

    Forms parameters in the MS Access URL string

    Perhaps OP is storing numbers as text?
  3. C

    Solved Need help with displaying ComboBox contents (hyperlink involved)

    You can use the followhyperlink in vba
  4. C

    Crash on breakpoint

    Doesn’t take that long - 10 to 15 mins tops (assuming no issues are found) . It’s something I usually do before releasing an app to user testing to clear out all the rubbish
  5. C

    Forms parameters in the MS Access URL string

    because of the potential for a negative number?
  6. C

    This will oust the corruption of transgender

    Given the topic title - I wonder how many transgenders play the football and how many serve as the cheerleaders?
  7. C

    Crash on breakpoint

    editing running code is a big no-no. You can lose everything and is indicative of the behaviour you are seeing. neither compact/repair nor decompile/recompile guarantees fixing your problem. I would create a new db then in order and taking the opportunity to not import anything that is no...
  8. C

    Randomize Not Working

    You do need to start with a different seed
  9. C

    Solved DAO Workspace Database Collection

    Only by modifying the querydef
  10. C

    Solved Prevent users from adjusting subform label/field sizes

    Not clear whether you are happy for a user to resize/hide columns for their own purposes, just not save the changes. Or you Don’t want them to be able to resize at all. If the latter use a continuous form as already suggested. If the former note that changes to layouts are not saved unless the...
  11. C

    Solved DAO Workspace Database Collection

    Suspect the OP is confusing compiled with query plans
  12. C

    Solved Not able to edit order form

    Agree not necessary (as indeed using relevant names is not necessary) but these days, most of my queries I write directly in sql so using PK/FK obviates the need to specify the table name (unless there are multiple child tables) so save typing. Further it tells me which end of a join each field...
  13. C

    Solved Not able to edit order form

    Better to call it customerPK Better to call it customerFK
  14. C

    How to create a password access within Database

    Access (front end) doesn’t work in the cloud. It is a client based application. If by cloud you mean terminal server or Citrix which runs via Remote Desktop then each user has their own profile- so should work. Each user has their own copy of the front end located locally to them- if you are...
  15. C

    How to create a password access within Database

    it depends on how sophisticated you want to get. You could have a table of allowed users and your code could be Button.visible =dlookup("username","tblAllowedUsers","username ='" & (Environ(“username”) & "'")<>"" I presume you have other security in place such as preventing users from viewing...
  16. C

    How to create a password access within Database

    I would use the form open event
  17. C

    How to create a password access within Database

    You could just check the username Environ(“username”) If it’s not you (or whoever has the authority to open the form) hide the button that opens the form Button.visible =Environ(“username”)=“harry”
  18. C

    Simple cash register for clubs to use eg. at a street festival

    a number of templates online - just google 'ms access cash register template' or similar. Here are a couple
  19. C

    Solved Need to on off design mode for forms

    Why would you want users to go into form design view? Just disable the forms allow shortcut property. But this won’t stop a user opening a form in design view from the navigation window. Provide the user with a .accde or rename your file as a .accdr
  20. C

    Solved Need to on off design mode for forms

    Hide or unhide what? A control? Lots of controls? A form? A report? Look to modify the visible property- set to false to hide, true to unhide
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