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  1. Danjo

    Solved What is the bar to the left of the form?

    There we go - it's the "Record Selectors" option which explains why it isn't doing anything - I have no records!!!
  2. Danjo

    Solved What is the bar to the left of the form?

    Thanks Ypma, Makes sense but doesn't do anything for me - changes to black to show the mouse over it but clicking does nothing. Really weird thing is its disappeared now but i'm changing loads of settings. If i figure out how i got rid of it, i'll post the answer here for anyone else. Cheers!
  3. Danjo

    Solved What is the bar to the left of the form?

    Hi All, Does anyone know what this bar is and what its purpose is? Clicking it doesn't do anything, i just know its in the detail section of the form. Many Thanks
  4. Danjo

    The 3 Different Relationship Types

    Hello Again! I've been trying to get my head around relationships (In Access!!!) and my brain.... my brain..... she fails me :( I'm 95% there - i get the dynamics, the what, the why and even the how. I'm trying to visualize the different types and this was the best diagram i could come up...
  5. Danjo

    Any potential problems with using attachments in access?

    These responses are very interesting - thanks to everyone who took the time to share. Glad I started this now!
  6. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Fair point!
  7. Danjo

    Any potential problems with using attachments in access?

    :LOL: Amen to that!
  8. Danjo

    Any potential problems with using attachments in access?

    Thanks. Its purely a hypothetical. I'm brand new to access so trying to get a feel for good practices. I agree with using links as opposed to attaching, but this would introduce a further problem of enforcing link integrity if the files a moved or deleted. Just a thought
  9. Danjo

    Any potential problems with using attachments in access?

    Hi, Just wanted to get peoples opinion using the attachment field type. Supposing you are trying to build a super efficient database, keeping things as simple as possible to reduce issues later on - would having attachments in the database countermand that? Obviously the size would go up...
  10. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Did this but wasn't working for me - I'm going to follow the advice of others here and avoid look ups entirely and try to learn using SQL and primary/foreign keys. It's a lot harder to learn in the beginning but i think will pay off later on. cheers Yep. Some of the article didn't make a huge...
  11. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Hi Pat, Thank you for your post. Really appreciate you helping with the first one but not doing all of it so i have to chance to see what you've done and incorporate in the others! 1. a. Makes sense and agree completely. I need to be able to add or remove entries easily so putting the value...
  12. Danjo

    Online Co-op Campaign Games

    I'm trying to post a link to a youtube video which has two players pretending to be the characters and are very funny but the system won't let me. If you'd like a preview with a difference, just search for Neebs Stranded Deep!
  13. Danjo

    Online Co-op Campaign Games

    I realise this thread is over 4 years old but just wanted to put a mention out there for Stranded Deep - it's a survival game where you are stranded in the pacific surrounded by many islands. They have very recently introducted cooperative play and have been playing with my partner who isn't a...
  14. Danjo

    Excel Veteran - New to Access. Always happy to help but am usually kept busy with my employment...

    Excel Veteran - New to Access. Always happy to help but am usually kept busy with my employment & my own IT support business. Using Excel 2016(365) and 2019 Successfully Completed Databases : 0 o_O
  15. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Wow, awesome feedback, thank you! I'll take a look tomorrow and do a proper response - i'll mark as solved for now. Thanks again - first proper DB so looking forward to trying out the suggestions. Cheers
  16. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Woops - forgot to attach the file - attached now, thanks
  17. Danjo

    Combo Box Displaying Wrong Column

    Hi All, I'm Danjo, brand new here! User of Excel for several years and just started with access a couple of weeks ago - looks fun! I'm little short of time at the moment but i'll set up profile later. Quick question - I have a combo box set for "Source" which looks up the Source Table. The...
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