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    Democrats connecting with young people
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    Ah yes, the good old days when the government took 90% of your money because nothing says 'economic freedom' like handing over nearly everything you earn. But sure, tell us more about how more government control will fix all our problems.
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    SSMA - Issue with Boolean Access Fields

    Have you tried BIT vs INT? I believe that's what I had to do when I was upsizing my tables to SQL. Edit: never mind I see you used byte datatype, I was confused for a sec.
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    It's funny to me when I see the America last crowd complaining about when America was ever great. It causes them to defend the opposite. That was on full display a few nights ago.
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    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    The anti-tariff crowd always cites higher consumer prices as a reason to oppose tariffs. But what about laid-off steel and automotive workers? Those folks were productive members of society and are now relying on government assistance. And who pays for that assistance? Oh yeah the taxpayer. ;)
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    I'm in Love with ChatGPT

    First off, you need a proper AI platform for coding, (GitHub Copilot, Code Llama, StarCoder), etc. You can't really expect a generic AI platform like ChatGPT to do well in everything.
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    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    It's fine because I play the long game with my 401k, and 403b. No instant gratification, sorry.
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    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    Tariffs are a negotiating tool.
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    Actually it's Ukraine whose got dirt on the Biden's.
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    Or maybe identity politics? 🤔
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    Before Obama, we are just trying to regain our dignity from the 'America Last' crowd and the apology tour nonsense.
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    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    Agreed, free trade would be the preferred outcome, but we have to live in reality.
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    The Russian invasion of Georgia in August 2008 happened while George W. Bush was president. The 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia happened under President Barack Obama, with Joe Biden as Vice President. Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, during the administration of...
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    Why hasn't Biden's approach solved the problem? Or the EU approach. Four years in with only WW3 insight.
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    Trump is one of the few leaders advocating for diplomatic solutions rather than escalating tensions. But because it's Trump, well... you know the TDS kicks in and rationale flies out the window. ;)
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    I even tried TOR and Startpage both displayed Wikipedia and Britannica. They obviously pull from the same sources while claiming they don't spy on you ;)
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    Expel Wayward Republicans from the Senate?

    Tariffs are perfectly fine when anyone other than Trump uses them to protect their markets. Japan, Germany, France, and the UK have been doing it for ages. That’s fine but because I’m a self-loathing liberal with a knee-jerk reaction to everything Trump does, I have to hate them, right?
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    Donald Trump is revolution in common sense.
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    If you listened to the rebuttal the lady was trying hard to sound MAGA. It's a winning message that liberals are unable to pull off.
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    What's your best/worst joke?

    A nine year old girl has disappeared after using moisturizer that makes you look... ten years younger
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