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  1. K

    Edit listbox entries

    Thank you loads. Exactly what i was looking for. One small thing - this creates a carriage line at the biggening of the entries also. Anyway to get around this ? My vba is pretty poor so can't workout how to get around this.
  2. K

    Edit listbox entries

    I have created a small sample database to indicate what I need to do (see attached) I have a list box which uses values from a table (table InvestigationTemplate) in its row source. The control source of this list box in a field called InvestigationsOrdered in another table (table Patient). The...
  3. K

    Edit listbox entries

    I want to be able to edit the values that have already been entered into the text box (using the list box) by typing inside the textbox. This is a bound text box so the edits have to be reflected back in the related table. Thanks
  4. K

    Edit listbox entries

    Hi, I am trying to create a form where i have a list box from which I want to choose items which can be populated into a textbox bound to a field in a table. 1. I need to be able to enter multiple values into the textbox using the list box 2. I need to be able to remove an already entered item...
  5. K

    adding multiple values to a text box

    Thanks. This worked wonderfully.
  6. K

    adding multiple values to a text box

    Please can you explain a bit more? I want to emulate an enter key press between the different entries that are added to the text box. But this code also creates an enter key stroke before the first entry of the text box which I dont want. Me.txt1 = Me.txt1 & vbCrLf & Me.cmb1
  7. K

    adding multiple values to a text box

    Along the same lines, I tried creating a carriage return between the 2 entries: Me.txt1 = Me.txt1 & vbCrLf & Me.cmb1 This does the job but also creates a carriage return at the start of the textbox. Anyway to get around this? Thanks
  8. K

    Inserting data from combo box to table

    @The_Doc_Man Yes the VisitDate is of Date variant. I tried your code with # signs but get an error - Runtime error 3075. Syntax error in date in query expression 'VisitDate=#33' I mananaged to get it to work with following: Private Sub cmbVisit_Change() DoCmd.OpenForm "frmVisit"...
  9. K

    Inserting data from combo box to table

    Thanks a lot guys. I reduced my tables down to 2 according to your advice and managed to get the same result as having 3 tables which simplified things a lot. @The_Doc_Man I created a combobox on the frmPatient form that references to the visit date field in the frmVisit form. It now shows the...
  10. K

    Inserting data from combo box to table

    Hi, I have a patient related database where there are 2 tables - tblPatient (primary key Patient ID) which includes patient details like name etc and tblVisit (primary key VisitID) which includes data recorded at each patient visit like visit date and blood test results. To join these 2 tables I...
  11. K

    Settings limits in VBA

    Thank you all for your help. Will work on it according to suggestions and try.
  12. K

    Settings limits in VBA

    Hi, I'm new to vba on access. I'm trying to set up a calculation for a score called MELD score where MELD Score = (0.957 * ln(Creatinine) + 0.378 * ln(Bilirubin) + 1.120 * ln(INR) + 0.643 ) * 10 I've set up the coding on a command button (MELD calc) as follows: Private Sub Meld_calc_Click()...
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