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  1. CatDad

    G'day from New Zealand

    Thanks for the welcome and the excellent advice. I understand fully what you mean by the lack the background information that some provide when they're trying to resolve something. It's been one of my pet peeves also while hunting for answers through Google.
  2. CatDad

    G'day from New Zealand

    Thanks for the welcome and the recommendation to watch some Steve Bishop videos. I have a Python background so I can figure out most of the basic stuff, but I've gotten to stage now where the ideas I'm having in order to improve the database are way beyond the basic stuff and require a few more...
  3. CatDad

    G'day from New Zealand

    G'day! I'm relatively new to Access and have spent the past year working with a database that generates stationery for cat shows, including Judges Sheets, Catalogues, and it even kind of handles some points scoring. It was passed down to me by its creator, who was retiring at the time. Before...
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