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  1. B

    Access file corrupt

    I have never used sql server. Can i reuse my access program or code when i switch to sql server or do i have to start from scratch?
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    Access file corrupt

    Nothing helped but i have seen what the problem is, the db size is 2GB and i read that is the maximum. I have made a front end but the backend is still almost 2GB after compression. I want to split the backend in two different db's both with a part of the tables. After the db is split in...
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    Access file corrupt

    Hello Guys, I`ll tried to run the decompile function but when i prepare this by compiling the code everything looks to do well, the compile function in the menu turns grey and there are no faults. This is the only thing that i do at that time. When then i close the database i´ll get the message...
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    Access file corrupt

    Thanks, i‘ll come back with the result. Have a Nice weekend. Bieke
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    Access file corrupt

    Thanks Pat, i’ll try this and let you know if the problem is solved, thanks in advance. Bieke
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    Access file corrupt

    Hello Guys, A few months ago my database did not respond right anymore from time to time. For instants, sometime when i want to add a record or so i’ll get errors and it is random in all forms. When i then use the function compress and repair the problem is solved. in the begining it happens...
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    Date to date and time.

    Indeed, the time is not showing but it is there, this was my confusion. I now can calculate the difference between stoptime and midnight. Problem solved. Thanks to you all for helping me out. Happy new year !!
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    Date to date and time.

    Then this is the result .... And this is the code :
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    Date to date and time.

    Can you give me an example how do use these functions to create a midnight out of a date (Generate 24/11/2021 00:00:00 from 24/11/2021 13:05:25)
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    Date to date and time.

    i have 12/03/2021 23:15:40 and i want to create a new datetime value 12/03/2021 00:00:00. I need to write this value (12/03/2021 00:00:00) to a field starttime in a new record of a table : this record has 2 datetime field, starttime and stoptime. How do i create this 12/03/2021 00:00:00 value.
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    Date to date and time.

    Hello, I have 2 date and time fields in a table field1 : starttime and field2 : stoptime. I have a record where field2 (stoptime) with date 12/03/2021 23:15:40 (hh:mm:ss). Now i want to write in field1 of this record the value 12/03/2021 00:00:00 to calculate afterwards the difference from...
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    It is a nice solution for the extended date field !! Thank u guys !!
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    I’m curious, i tried myself to set the format in the field in the query to mm/dd/yyyy hh:nn:ss and then when you run the query the extended zero’s are gone but stil not working as a recordset in vba.
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    Date Time Extended data type?

    Yes i did.
  15. B

    Date Time Extended data type?

    In the database shopfloor that i posted, i have to calculate the differents in time between dtsstart and dtsstop and with this datatype and tv-held vba code in this DB it is not possible anymore because the previous datatype was date/time and they changed in extended date and time.
  16. B

    Date Time Extended data type?

    I also saw the video, now i have a probleem🤔
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    It is not possible to change this field because it is a table of a general data management package. This is the first time that i see such a dataformat. You even can’t find anything on the net. Thanks Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Hello majP, The format from the dtsstart and dtsstop are changed in the alarm table, they have now this format : 7/01/2021 20:45:57.0000000 can you change for me your sql code so it works again : strSql = "Select distinct Name from alarms where int(dtsStart) = #" & Format(Me.cmboDate...
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Thanks for helping me out, i ren to your code and i understand it now. Have a nice day. Regards Bieke.
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Goodmorning MajP, I'am added some data, i copied a part of the data from 700A en make new records under 700B. When i run the form there is a part of the data from 660F that is added in the timeline of 700B. For you probably easy to explane :) Find attached my version.
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