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  1. B

    Visualising of machine status/log

    Thanks ,that's why i could not find it ! Have a nice sunday.
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    arnelgp, can you explaine this for me? You use "PaintWithblack", is this an instruction? I neither can't find a function with that name? I find your solution with excel very nice, also for other applications. I tried to understand your code but i'm stuck with this question. Thanks in advance. Bieke
  3. B

    Visualising of machine status/log

    sorry i mean your format was MMDDYYYY and ours is DDMMYYYY.
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Hello MajP, The problem was that the date format was MMDDYYY and in belgium it is MMDDYYY. I'm now expand the form for 40 machines. I will post a real screenshot from live data. Thank u very much for this, also for everyone who helped with this topic. (sorry for my englisch) Kind regards, Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Looks nice but i can't see the timelines?
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    arnelgp, can you tell me how you do the painting of the bar? You use "PaintWithblack", is this an instruction? I neither can't find a function with that name? Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Sorry, it's not possible. It's only possible with cycletimes of the machines. Forget it. Thanks for the reply. Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Hello arnelgp, is it also possible to generate a line chart when you double click on a record?
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Very nice feature, i'm going to complete it with all machines and i will post the result. Thank u fery much, it is a great help. Bieke Now it's better CJ, i appreciate you are working that late for me :). I will test it. I learned a lot from this. Thanks i could not do it without you guys. Top !!!
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Very nice feature, i'm going to complete it with all machines and i will post the result. Thank u fery much, it is a great help. Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Very nice arnelgp, this is exactly what i need. Thank u :)
  12. B

    Visualising of machine status/log

    Thank u CJ_London, every data and examples are welcome. Regards Bieke.
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Hello MajP, thanks for helping me out. This example looks very helpful to me. If you can help me with a demo a graph that would be very nice. Find attached a table with the disturbance data from a few machines. Thanks in advance. Bieke
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    Visualising of machine status/log

    Your proposal to do this in excel, it it not possible to have different column width over more rows i think. Can you make an example of such an excel sheet to explane? Thanks, Bieke
  15. B

    Visualising of machine status/log

    I can spread it in 2 pages. It is indeed possible that there are more than 100 start/stop per 24H. I tought maybe ther is a possibility to setup fragments in a rectangle object or a picture that i can write the pixels to?
  16. B

    Visualising of machine status/log

    Hello, I want to visualize the statuslog of production machines. I have a table with data form the run/stop times of 40 machines. Field : NAME = Machine name (only one machine is selected) Field : DTSSTART is the field with the starttime of the disturbance. Filed : DTSSTOP is the field with...
  17. B

    I can not add or edit records in query.

    Hello Colin, Thanks for your reply. Do you have some idees how i can manage my problem in a proper way? I still want to use the 2 ID's from the 2 tables for my detailed table so that the relationship between the 3 tables stays. Kind regards, Bieke
  18. B

    I can not add or edit records in query.

    Hello, I want to manage stock with 3 tables. Maingroup, Subgroep, detaildescription. E.g. Tools-->screwdrivers-->4x100mm or Bolts-->Hexagon-->M6x20 or Computers-->laptops-->HP pavilion. When i make relations between the tables I can not Add or Edit any records in the query. In my...
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