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  1. N

    Solved Check If Date is a Bank Holiday

    So i have this code that creates a date 12 working days from today, but i now need for it to check if the date its offering as a Bank Holiday and if so move to the next weking day. Public Function addDays(ByVal iDays As Integer, ByVal dteStart As Date) As Date Dim i As Integer Dim m As Integer...
  2. N

    Solved Query Show records before a date on a form

    Thanks changing this to < [Forms]![Requests].[Date] worked
  3. N

    Solved Query Show records before a date on a form

    So i need to have a query being back all records added before a date on a form. Tried this but didnt work <[Requests].[Date] get a prompt
  4. N

    Solved Add Prix to field

    So i need to add this to any numbers that are only 5 string long CorrectNumber:"2000" & [InvoiceNo] but i only want to correct if the current number is less than 6 ? how would i go about this please
  5. N

    Solved Form - Data Entered Must Be Greater than 10 characters

    did the job thanks :)
  6. N

    Solved Form - Data Entered Must Be Greater than 10 characters

    Is it possible to have on a form something that will prompt the user entering if the number of characters within a field is less than 10, is so then pop a message to say
  7. N

    Solved Query to Trim

    this did the job Left([ACTION],2)
  8. N

    Solved Query to Trim

    Hi, I need to trim all expect the numbers 03: SET ACTION 04: SET CALL BACK 05: CLOSE just need 03 04 05 any ideas please
  9. N

    Check if the Results of two fields match?

    what's the best way to say if two fields in query match [ID]=[SID],Yes,No ?
  10. N

    Max Query not working

    So i have created a query and Max on the Record ID - this query stand alone works fine. I have another query that i then bring in the above query but its not giving me the latest record Query1: ID CustomerID Install Date EngineerNo Query2: Customer ID CustomerOrderNo CustomerInstallDate...
  11. N

    Solved Run-time error '3061'. Too few parameters. Expected 1

    yep thats sorted it cheers
  12. N

    Solved Run-time error '3061'. Too few parameters. Expected 1

    I am getting this error when exporting the Query to excel I have changed this: New Order Live: IIf([22].[Serial]=[New_Order]=True,"Yes","No") Results are Yes or No to New Order Live: IIf([22].[Serial]=[New_Order]=True,Yes,No) Results are 0 or -1 Which has now stopped the error, but i...
  13. N

    Solved How to format Date to UK dd-mm-yyyy

    Thank you that did the job :)
  14. N

    Solved How to format Date to UK dd-mm-yyyy

    doesn't seem to work getting syntax error on CDate
  15. N

    Solved How to format Date to UK dd-mm-yyyy

    Hello, I need to change the formatting of this strange date layout to standard uk date 2021-11-24T01:00:00.000Z 2021-12-13T11:18:10.684Z
  16. N

    Query - Remove old entries

    Yeah i think you are correct will create a query with Max just to show last entry Thanks always :)
  17. N

    Query - Remove old entries

    So we have a table that gets updated every day with the last events. like a log on the processing of any order The field that gets updated is called [Order_Status] and the date gets updated within the [ImportingDate] - what i need to do is once completed delete (or archive) all earlier records...
  18. N

    Solved Form - Best way to prompt users that they must complete a form field

    sorted it using this... Dim strSQL As String Dim ctl As Variant If IsNull(Me.TelephoneNo) Then Dialog.Box "Please enter a Customer Telephone Number!", vbCritical, "Data entry error..." Me.TelephoneNo.BorderColor = vbRed Me.TelephoneNo.SetFocus Exit Sub Else
  19. N

    Solved Form - Best way to prompt users that they must complete a form field

    Thanks no we always have a telephone number so how would i get this setup
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