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  1. pr2-eugin

    User Login Form

    Why would they be able to open any other form? Make sure the Navigation Pane is hidden, again, you can find this under Access Options. To answer your question, you can go to Design view of the Form, in the Property Sheet, you will have under Form tab, you will have the Property - "Close Button"...
  2. pr2-eugin

    Query to produce boolean

    Hello PG2015, please give some sample. The simplest would be. NewColumn: IIF(InStr(theField, "theValue") <> 0, "YES", "NO")
  3. pr2-eugin

    use name to create email name

    You need a Loop to get all the records, however if you only have one record but you need the different fields you could use the Index property of the Fields method. Something like. ? Mid(rs.Fields(1), InStr(rs.Fields(1), " ")) & ", " & Left(rs.Fields(1), InStr(rs.Fields(1), " ")) ? Mid("Paul...
  4. pr2-eugin

    use name to create email name

    Few things to consider what about names like Paul Eugin Francis? Would it be Eugin Francis, Paul or Francis, Eugin Francis? Name Paul would it be , Paul or just Paul?
  5. pr2-eugin

    Insert multiple groups of Text fields in table

    Hello coratic, Welcome to AWF :) You need to concatenate the values like the way you have newRow. The common way to do is to make sure, String is enclosed within ' quotes or " quotes, eg. 'Sally' or """Sally""" Number need no delimiter Dates need to be enclosed between #. eg. #17 Feb 2015# or...
  6. pr2-eugin

    User Login Form

    You have two options, one popular and very easy to implement is to set the Start up form under Access-> File -> Options -> Current Database -> Display Form -> (from the dropdown) Select the form name. The other would be to use a AutoExec Macro.
  7. pr2-eugin

    Corrupted Auto Number - Help!

    UtterAccess has a very good document on what AutoNumber are and what they are not : Autonumbers are not meant to be ID fields, if they mean something to you. If you need the ID to be a meaningful (sequential) then you might be better of with...
  8. pr2-eugin

    Pass data field value to html table

    You are welcome ! Good luck.
  9. pr2-eugin

    Query remove spaces

    You are most welcome ! Good luck !
  10. pr2-eugin

    Query remove spaces

    In that case you could make use of the Nz() function. Expr1: Replace(Nz([Field1], ""), " ", "")
  11. pr2-eugin

    Query remove spaces

    Hello, Welcome to AWF :) That is very bizarre, it should not throw any error. Please show the Query you are using.
  12. pr2-eugin

    Pass data field value to html table

    Is it just from the form you want to send email? Or for multiple records? If it is only form, you do not need Recordset. Simply this should cut it. Private Sub Command280_Click() 'send email with table Dim objItem As Object Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem Set oMail = objItem...
  13. pr2-eugin

    Pass data field value to html table

    You can use a Recordset object to loop through to get the data from its fields. Check out -
  14. pr2-eugin

    Emailing Multiple Attachmetns with VBA

    1. How are you trying to get the Absolute path? Code? If so could you please provide it - using CODE tags. 2. You mean you want to attach all the files in a folder? If so what about file size limitations? What is your exact need? Please edit your original post by using CODE tags.
  15. pr2-eugin

    Access and Terminal Server

    I have the same trouble, I have a Terminal Server and windows network setup. I have to deploy two versions (atleast for me because TS uses 64 bit). All the DLL's needs to be registered on the TS. The Access's backend should be placed in the Terminal server and your local system needs to connect...
  16. pr2-eugin

    How to do a Pattern Replace in VBA?

    Your patter is wrong. You have to specify the pattern. Sub RegEx() Dim myregex As RegExp Set myregex = New RegExp With myregex .Pattern = "((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[-][A-Z][a-z][a-z])[-](19|20)[0-9]{2}" 'Use the Following if it is Numeric month. '.Pattern =...
  17. pr2-eugin

    How to do a Pattern Replace in VBA?

    Here is a link with RegEx that could be helpful.
  18. pr2-eugin

    How to do a Pattern Replace in VBA?

    What do you want the MsgBox to actually show? Replace function will try to find "??-??-????" in the String "The Date is 05-02-2015", if found will replace it with 05-02-2015 In the example you have given the ??-??-???? is not found, so no replacement takes place.
  19. pr2-eugin

    Email a query

    The use of Database is an ambiguity. Use Mydb As DAO.Recordset
  20. pr2-eugin

    don't have a result via runnung a code

    Sorry my bad it should be FilterOn = True. I have modified the code. Please have a check again.
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